Friday, November 30, 2018

How to choose the right font for your blog

Fonts are one of those elements of websites that go under the radar and become invisible when done well, or are glaringly and painfully obvious when done wrong.

But it’s not just readability you should worry about, it’s also what your chosen font communicates about your brand and personality. When combined with the proper content, a good font can give a site a unique identity.

So here’s how you can choose the right font for your blog:

1) Choose serif or sans serif

The first thing you need to decide is whether you want a serif or sans-serif font. Here’s an image of two such fonts in case you’re unclear which is which:

Serif fonts are more old school and decorative compared to the more modern looking sans-serif fonts. However, they’re very popular in print works since the decorations and jaggy edges they have help guide the eye across the font, and thus increase reading speed.

Sans serif fonts on the other hand are more popular in online formats. This because the delicate serif decorations can be hard to render on low resolution screens or if there is a weird contrasting effect on the page.

Personality wise, sans serif is mostly the “default” setting in the online world, so you wouldn’t look out of place if you chose it.

However, serif fonts still have that association with books and other written, long form content. By using this font, it’s fair to assume that you will bring up some of those long-form associations.

2) Make sure you have enough and varied weights

For your main, paragraph font, the most formatting you’ll likely need is boldness, italics and underlines. However, for various reasons you might want to use even more varied font formats, for things such as quotes. In this case, it’s best if you choose a font that has enough weights that can properly convey this information.

3) A few basics in readability

Before branding and moods, the first things you should be concerned about when choosing a font is how readable it is.

Size is one very important aspect. If you’re on the younger side, you might be tempted to choose a font that looks well mostly at small sizes. Don’t do that. By now, it’s a consistent point in web design that making a font slightly bigger won’t hurt the usability of a website with the younger crowd, but it will hugely help with older users.

But it’s not just the font size that matters, it’s also the font color. Black on a white background works best, because our eyes are better able to perceive the contrast. White on black background, while hip and unusual, just doesn’t work from a readability perspective because the white doesn’t contrast as well with the black.

And even if you do choose black-on-white-background, make sure your font isn’t pure black. Pure black is a harsh color, and can very well cause eye strain when a user has to read it constantly.

For this reason, make sure you always adjust the size and color of your fonts to find the right balance for your readers.

4) Match title, subtitle and paragraph fonts

Using a single font type for everything on a page can work… but it will look very, very boring. For this reason, you can spice up the appearance of your website by matching together different font pairs to create an interesting and captivating typographical appearance.

This is quite similar to how professional cooks combine unusual flavors, such as sours and sweets to create a unique combination, that not only work, but are incredibly memorable.

In most cases, matching two fonts should be more than enough. One for the headlines and subtitles, with the other one being the paragraph font.

5) Use the Google open font library to find the right one for you

Fonts can be really expensive, to buy and depending on how many visitors you have, or what you are using a font for, the licensing fee for it can quickly add up to cost a hefty amount of money.

Fortunately, you can use the Google Font library to choose from over 600 totally free fonts, which come with a huge amount of weights. This should be more than enough to meet any and all requirements you may have.

Original post: How to choose the right font for your blog

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How to Make Your Bland Content Strategy Delicious

It’s the scourge of effective marketing: content that caters to everyone and thus caters to no one. It’s plain old vanilla – ubiquitous, bland, and the default choice when you don’t really know what people want or care about and can’t be bothered to find out.

When you follow a storytelling approach informed by data, it’s possible to be much more specific, and thus relevant, to your customers’ needs and interests. Instead of plain old vanilla, it’s goat cheese marionberry habaƱero. Instead of just a chocolate bar, it’s Tony’s Chocolonely Dark Pecan Coconut. Or, instead of yet another white paper about the virtues of a hybrid cloud environment, it’s a personalized video or peer-to-peer roundtable hosted by CIOs for CIOs.

Master the art and science of data-infused stories

Data-led content makes for much better stories, especially if you can personalize the message and delivery. What kind of data do you need to do that? Where do you find it? And how do you use it to create a more effective content strategy? Fortunately, you don’t have to be a data scientist, but it does require both art and science to connect the insights in your data to content and conversations.

Data-led #content makes for better stories, especially if you personalize the message and delivery. @CarmenHill
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“If you have customers and you have salespeople and you create content, then you have giant barrels of (data) monkeys that are just waiting to be linked,” says Julie Wisdom, co-founder and creative strategist for London-based agency ALIAS Partners, where she has developed a rational, proven approach for creating data-led content that doesn’t lose its sizzle and pop. “I say that because it absolutely can feel like a daunting task. But if you stick with it and just focus on linking a few at a time, your content strategy can confidently carry your marketing strategy.”

If you have customers & salespeople & #content, then you have barrels of data monkeys. @juliewisdom
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With 24 years as a journalist-turned-B2B marketer, Julie has specialized experience and perspective on how to best use data to create more relevant, effective content strategies that tell a great story.

Add empathy to personalized content

First, Julie advises, dig into your existing customer data. When maintained, it’s the single best view into the behavior of your ideal customer. While search and social data are typically the easiest to analyze for topic popularity, customer data provides the richest insight for planning content stories and adding empathy to each stage of your buyer journeys. “Customer and prospect data are precious,” she says

Customer data provides the richest insight for planning content stories, says @JulieWisdom.
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Too many companies overlook or even avoid the data they have internally, either because it’s unstructured and difficult to get or they don’t have a strategy for how they want to use it. “It’s worth the time, pain and anguish of doing whatever is required to access that data, because it’s so hugely valuable,” Julie says, “as long as you remove anything too dated.”

The data in your CRM and marketing automation systems can help you understand how and why your customers became buyers in the first place. Looking across hundreds of thousands (if appropriate) of records, you can get aggregate insight into the buyer journey. Customer engagement data can reveal how your content is performing, including which content drives the most interest and what helps to move people most aggressively from awareness to consideration to purchase to optimization and back to consideration for the next thing.

“If you are feeding this information into Salesforce, for instance, you can see what decision-makers and influencers from a single account consumed through their journey,” Julie says. “This is one potent way to inform your content strategy for their future and also for like accounts.”

Use behavioral data to understand decision-making styles

Some of the most interesting insights relate to how people – and companies – make or influence buying decisions. Are they more emotional or rational? Do they make decisions quickly or more deliberately? There are distinct differences, depending on a person’s role, department, company, and industry – and the buying personality of the company.

“Two companies in the same industry can be radically different,” Julie says, “so why do we focus just on grouping profiles of roles rather than profiles of businesses?” She adds that different types of companies often have a distinctive style of decision-making based on their culture and leadership.

ALIAS uses a model for profiling prospects and target accounts based on buying modalities. This allows Julie and her team to create content based on stylistic differences, tailoring the tone of voice or format for different preferences, rather than producing different content for every possible segment.

Here’s how different decision-making styles might be implemented in your content strategy:

  • Competitive – interactive survey that compares answers with industry benchmarks
  • Spontaneous – infographic with high-impact statistics and graphics
  • Methodical – long-form, research-based white paper with lots of technical data
  • Humanistic – case studies or first-person testimonials that highlight how others have solved similar problems

To do this, you must get to the first-party behavioral data that reveals how your customers buy from you. Behavioral data can also be used to generate a targeted list of look-alike companies. This natural alignment between customers you have and prospects who share similar buying behavior helps you to not only choose the right accounts to go after but also to create the right kind of content to engage with prospects in those companies.

Interview sales and customers to inspire storylines

Interviews with your sales team and with customers are another critical source of firsthand data. “You simply should not do any kind of strategy without it,” Julie says, adding that too often marketers get it wrong, especially when it comes to their colleagues in sales.

Don’t create your #contentstrategy without talking to sales team & customers, says @JulieWisdom.
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Your sales team can be an absolute gold mine when it comes to understanding how your existing customers are aligned and make decisions,” she advises. “There are ways of teasing out good data from salespeople, but you have to ask the right questions. Bring in the voice of the customer and ask questions that get the salespeople talking about customers as if they were the product you are selling. This will help you frame and market to your ideal customer profile.”

You also need to talk with customers. Julie recommends using customers to provide peer insight, and both emotional and rational anecdotes. “You can then use these insights and anecdotes to inspire storylines that show not only what’s possible but how,” she says.

Finally, don’t overlook the greatest value of your subject matter experts. “They tend to think and act like peers to your customers, living and breathing their experiences,” Julie says, which makes them a valuable source of thought leadership stories to tie to your brand. “Ask where they go for inspiration, what they look like when they are at home, and roll this into your content strategy.”

Cast a wider net with intent and install-base data

First-party data is the richest source of data, but third-party data can provide a valuable aggregate view of your audience that can help to inform your content strategy. Just be sure that the data provider captures that information in an ethical way and adheres to high standards of data privacy and security.

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Intent data: Identifying low-hanging fruit

Understanding what your target audience is searching for and viewing online reveals valuable clues about their interests and propensity to buy. Tracking data on your owned properties, along with data from third-party websites and social networks, can help you identify which prospects are in market and ready to buy.

Find out what the audience is searching for to reveal clues to interests & propensity to buy. @CarmenHill
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“By layering this intelligence into your content strategy, you can make smarter decisions, because you’re not wasting money creating late-stage content for an industry that isn’t truly ready for the solutions you have to offer,” Julie says.

Install base data: Customizing based on technographics

You can also incorporate install-base or technographic data into your content strategy.

This is particularly useful in tech companies, as install-base data measures the number of units of a product or service in use. In a nutshell, it indicates how many companies currently have your software installed. Some martech companies allow you to conduct searches based on “what companies have product x installed” and reveal what else they have in their tech stack.

By understanding which hardware and software a company uses, you can customize your content to address product challenges or insights. This information is particularly powerful for technology companies that offer complementary or competitive solutions.

For example, you might tailor your messaging to address the challenges of a competitor’s product and focus on the benefits that differentiate your own solution. Alternatively, you might use install-base data to exclude prospects from a campaign. It makes sense for a company that offers an accounting solution built on Salesforce to target only those companies that use Salesforce.

ABX: Building an account-based content strategy

If this sounds like the kind of data you might use in account-based marketing you’re right. Although the specific tactics differ, ABM and content marketing share a common philosophy that puts customers at the center and communicates in a way that addresses their needs and interests at every stage of the buying journey.

At the center of this Venn diagram is ABX – the account-based experience.

The ABX framework calls for content rooted in actual customer and competitive data and insights tied to your value propositions through the customer perspective. All content has a purpose and is connected to other content.

In account-based experience, all content has a purpose & connects to other content, says @JulieWisdom.
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Step 1. Insight: Get dirty in your data

From customer data and interviews to intent and install-base data, you have a treasure trove of information to create stories that are relevant, resonant, and valuable. Julie says the secret is in discovering what is different – or what you can make different. And to do that, she says, “You have to get dirty in your data.” Instead of settling for a simplified, top-level view, you need to dig deep into the data, combining and comparing data sets in different ways, to uncover more interesting and less obvious insights.

Step 2. Perspective: Frame your story around a unique point of view

Use the insight to deepen your understanding of the customer experience and worldview. Then paint a picture of how it could be better. What’s the fresh, interesting perspective that connects your value proposition to each audience? “The goal is to create a vision of the future without talking about yourself,” Julie says.

Step 3. Conversations: Create real customer value

A conversation map documents the knowledge you have gathered about your prospects and articulates how to frame the narrative around their worldview. Even a simple conversation map, like the one below, helps inform great stories and more effective content. As Julie explains, “A truly ownable story is rooted in the more intangible aspects of a value proposition. The ‘narrative’ is what teases this out.”

By aligning your value proposition to real value and mapping it to relevant messages, content, and offers, the conversation map serves as a blueprint for persuasive conversations.


“ABX isn’t just about the individual assets you’ll create but about the framework for your content strategy as a whole,” Julie says. “When you follow an approach that is informed by data, you force that strategy in a direction that naturally is more effective, differentiating, and relevant.”

With apologies to all you vanilla lovers, there is really no excuse for marketers to fall back on bland, generic content when data gives so many more interesting ways to tell your stories. The extra effort you put in up front will not only deliver higher quality content to your customers but also higher ROI on your content marketing.

A version of this article originally appeared in the November issue of  Chief Content Officer. To expand your strategic content marketing toolkit, subscribe to CMI’s free weekday newsletter.

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

The post How to Make Your Bland Content Strategy Delicious appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

How This Agency Eliminates 15+ Hours a Week of Client Work Through Instagram Automation

How This Agency Eliminates 15+ Hours a Week of Client Work Through Instagram Automation

When used properly, Instagram can be a major part of your marketing strategy – and recent trends show that while other social media networks are going through some growing pains, Instagram continues to rise.

In fact, Instagram’s ad revenue is growing four times faster than that of Facebook.

This isn’t happening by accident. Instagram’s audience skews younger and is more highly engaged with online content than users of other social media platforms.

In fact, 59 percent of the platform’s users in the United States are under 30, and among teen users, 72 percent get on Instagram every day.

It’s clear that Instagram has significant potential for marketers who understand the basics of creating high-quality content. But for many, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to truly dominate Instagram marketing.

Here’s a closer look at how one brand got around this obstacle:

The Challenge

Lucia and Alicia Civile, sisters and co-founders of LACE Photo Media, had a problem …

Though they had gotten off to a strong start with their business of creating branded graphics and providing product photography and social media management, the amount of time required for engagement and analytics was greatly limiting their potential for growth.

The Challenge for Instagram Automation

Image Source:  LACE Photo Media

“We were limited to a handful of accounts because we were doing all of the engagement in-house,” Lucia explains. “We were stuck manually liking photos all day for growth. We were doing a good job with the clients we had, but we had no way to expand.”

Attempts at expansion were tricky, at best …

Pull too much effort away from one client, and the quality of the content would drop. But remaining with a small set of clients wouldn’t help the sisters maintain the growth their young company needed to chart a successful future.

The Solution

Feeling stuck, LACE Photo Media decided to turn outward, and in November 2017, began a partnership with Kicksta, an Instagram growth service focused on bringing new, targeted and real followers to Instagram accounts.

“Our focus is organic engagement,” explains Alexz Miller, marketing manager at Kicksta.

“We’re not worried about creating content because other brands and creators already do that so well. Instead, our goal is to bring more eyeballs and traffic to the content they are creating by engaging with relevant targeted audiences to increase their likelihood of following the brand.”

The Solution for Instagram automation

Image Source: Kicksta

Kicksta soon became deeply involved with LACE Photo Media’s accounts in a wide range of industries, ranging from skincare to auto dealers. For the Civile sisters, the results have been impressive.

“Instead of spending endless amounts of time liking photos to get growth for our clients, we can spend it creating compelling content and cultivating a community on the accounts we run. It saves us hours and hours a day,” Alicia says.

“It’s given us the freedom to focus on content creation and strategy versus spending all of our time on the engagement aspect, which is essential to organic and targeted growth.

Not only has this helped LACE Photo Media dedicate more time to content creation; it has also allowed them to offer a wider range of services to potential clients.

By delivering greater value, they have also been able to charge more for their services.

The Solution image 2 for Instagram automation

Image Source: LACE Photo Media

As Lucia explains, “Our Instagram management services are all encompassing and include post images (image sourcing, branded graphics, and product photography), content creation for the post copy, hashtag research and strategy, demographic research, influencer collaborations, time and content analytics so we can post at the best days and times for your specific account, community management including comment monitoring and response, and with Kicksta’s help, we offer Instagram growth as an additional revenue stream.

Your steps for success

So what does this example mean for your own agency or brand? First, success on Instagram starts with great content that tells a compelling story that incentivizes viewers to make a purchase.

“People want to see not just the product or service they’re getting, but what the company is about, what the vibe is, what people are saying about it, and what sets them apart from others in their niche. Instagram is a platform that allows people to see all of these metrics in real time and immediately click through to purchase,” Alicia notes.

“This instant conversion capability paired with gorgeous imagery makes it a pleasurable shopping experience for customers while allowing the brand to express themselves in a way that leads to growth. With appropriate hashtags, companies can literally give customers exactly what they’re searching for, making Instagram a platform with consistent warm leads.”

Your steps for Success for Instagram Automation

Image Source: LACE Photo Media

This was the area of expertise for LACE Photo Media – but content creation is only half the picture, as sound engagement and targeting practices also play a crucial role in Instagram growth.

Kicksta has opened major doors for us in terms of social media management scalability. It’s made it possible for us to scale without losing the quality of results,” explains Lucia.

“By supporting client’s Instagram growth with targeted engagement and follower acquisition, Kicksta has helped expand the length of our client relationships and increase revenue because clients are so thrilled with their follower and engagement growth.”

As with LACE Photo Media, you’re likely not a complete expert in every aspect of Instagram marketing. Because of this, investing time and energy into these other areas, rather than focusing on your specialties, can result in lost hours, limited productivity and sub-par results.

“Partnerships are essential for a successful presence on Instagram,” says Miller.

“It’s just like any traditional business. You don’t expect the owner of a hardware store to select products, plan advertising campaigns and run the cash register all at once. He delegates to others who can provide quality results so he can focus on what he does best.”

Delegating elements of your Instagram marketing campaign may seem a bit scary at first. But by giving yourself more time to focus on the things you do well and getting other experts to take care of the rest, you’ll be able to attract larger audiences, grow your brand and ultimately use Instagram to drive additional revenue for your business.

All the time in the world

There are only so many hours in the day. Chances are, there’s not enough time to manage every possible task related to building a strong brand on Instagram – especially if you cover multiple client accounts.

You don’t have to try to go at it alone. By partnering with an Instagram marketing service like Kicksta, you can focus on your areas of expertise and let other digital marketing experts shore up your weaknesses with their skills.

Taking advantage of the tools that are out there won’t just help you save time – it will also allow you to achieve far better results than you would on your own.

Guest author: Ronan Galvin is one of the co-founders of Kicksta. Originally starting out as a manufacturing and sourcing company, they helped entrepreneurs launch their products on Kickstarter and from there began Kicksta as a small side venture to help their clients sell on Instagram. Kicksta’s mission is to make life more convenient for businesses by simplifying social media management. 

The post How This Agency Eliminates 15+ Hours a Week of Client Work Through Instagram Automation appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.

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9 Font Hacks for Instagram Stories You Should Know

Without a doubt, Stories has been Instagram’s smartest invention yet. In fact, it’s hard to imagine the platform without Stories. Launched in August 2016, Stories has taken over, with over 400 million users sharing them every single day.

This is great news if you’re an avid Stories user and bad news if you’re a brand trying to stand out in the crowd. While I’ve previously shared seven fresh Instagram Stories ideas, today I offer nine design-focused, lesser-known hacks that your competitors likely aren’t using and that can help your Stories get more visibility.

1. Create a solid background for your text to pop

If you’re posting a sequence of Stories, you likely connect them with the same aesthetic. However, what happens when you need to interrupt that Stories sequence with a call to action? Create a solid background based on the color palette used in the previous Stories and make your text pop.

To make a post stand out in your @Instagram Stories series, use a solid color background, says @OlgaRabo.
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Here’s how:

  • Take a picture or select a picture from your Photo Library.
  • Click on the drawing pencil icon.
  • Hover over your color choice.
  • Tap your finger and hold it. The background will change to a solid, monochrome color.
  • Write a call to action or brief note.

2. Pick extra colors from the color selection

Instagram Stories offers a basic 27-color palette. But did you know you can have any or all the colors in the world?

Here’s how:

  • Click on the drawing pen icon.
  • Touch on any color and hold your finger. Within a second, a bigger palette pops up.
  • Keeping your finger tight on the screen, move it side to side until you pick the color you like.

TIP: This color wheel trick also can be used to change background behind fonts.

3. Use your picture’s color palette for fun letter background

Another cool Instagram tip for Stories is creating unique backgrounds for your fonts based on the color palette of the photo you’re posting. Essentially, this tip combines the first two, as you use the same technique with the drawing pen.

In @Instagram, you can create a unique background for fonts based on the photo’s color palette, says @OlgaRabo.
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Here’s how:

  • Select the picture to post and determine the word you want to write.
  • Click the text icon (“Aa”) in the top right corner.
  • Type the first letter of the word. (Only the fonts labeled strong, classic, or typewriter allow for backgrounds to be added.)
  • Add that background to the letter by clicking on the icon on the top left corner.
  • Click the drawing pen icon to see the tool pop up.
  • Move the tool around the photo to see the background of the letter change.
  • Once you select the background color for the first letter, move on to the next and the next until the word is complete.

It might sound time-consuming, but it’s faster than you think. Plus, it looks cool and visually matches the photo, creating a holistic look and feel for your content.

3. Go for three-dimensional effect

Technically, there’s no three-dimensional effect on Stories, but you can fake it. It’s easier than you think.

Here’s how:

  • Click on that drawing pen icon.
  • Tap the word (or the sentence) in one of the offered fonts.
  • Select the color and place the text where it belongs on the image.
  • Write the same word (or sentence) in the same font in a different color.
  • Place it on top of the first word slightly to the side so you can see the original text.

4. Use different fonts

Officially, Stories offers five fonts: classic, modern, neon, typewriter, and strong. However, you can go around the font limitation and add more fun fonts to your content.

Using Cool Symbol site, you can add more fonts to standards in @Instagram Stories, says @OlgaRabo.
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Here’s how:

  • Make sure your internet browser is open in a tab.
  • Open the Instagram app, go to Stories.
  • Select (but not upload) the photo to share.
  • Go to your browser and open a website called
  • Select the “Fancy Text” option and type your text. It will automatically transform in multiple fonts.
  • Scroll down to select one.
  • Click copy to save the text to your clipboard.
  • Go back to your Instagram app – you’ll find the Stories draft.
  • Select the text icon (“Aa”), tap, and hold on the screen where the blinking cursor is and click “paste.”

Now you have a Story with a text font that few, if anyone else, does.

5. Use animated fonts on Stories

Now that you know how to use different fonts for your Instagram Stories, did you also know that you can make them animated?

Here’s how:

  • Download and open HypeType.
  • Select the picture from your photo library.
  • Double tap the animated piece of text to edit.
  • Type your text in the newly opened window.
  • Reposition your text around the screen.
  • Click the blue “done” icon in the top right corner.
  • To add other fonts and play with the animation, click on the “T” icon.
  • Click “save” (same blue icon) and select to download the image to your phone.
  • Open Instagram. Click on Stories and upload your animated content

HypeType is free with a little watermark on the bottom right corner that says, “Made with HypeType.” You can subscribe (about $20 per year) and publish without the watermark.

8. Create the ombre/rainbow text effect

You surely have seen a Story with text overlay with a beautiful ombre effect that looks so subtle it makes you wonder if a human did it. Well, a human did and you can too.

Here’s how:

  • Write your text.
  • Select all the text.
  • Hold one thumb on a color in the palette.
  • Hold the other thumb on the text cursor.
  • Slide both fingers simultaneously to the left and the letters will change colors.

While this one might require some finger gymnastics, once you’ve practiced creating a bright rainbow or a subtle ombre, creating this text effect will be a piece of cake.

The ombre effect for fonts requires finger gymnastics. With practice, it will become a piece of cake. @OlgaRabo
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9. Make your Stories hashtags invisible

Though adding hashtags to your Instagram Stories increases their chance of being featured on the Stories page, many people refrain from using them because they think they look spammy. However, what if I told you you can make them invisible, would you always use hashtags?

Thought so.

Here’s how:

  • Select the photo.
  • Type a hashtag.
  • Position it on a corner with a solid background.
  • Highlight the hashtag as text.
  • Tap on the drawing pen icon.
  • Drag the pen across the screen, as close to the background of the hashtag as possible, until the hashtag matches that background.

Your hashtag is there but can’t be seen.


As using Stories is now an essential part of any Instagram strategy, taking your content to the next level is a must to provide the wow factor to attract your followers before your competitors do.

Over to you. Any other Instagram Stories hacks you know? Please share in the comments.

Please note:  All tools included in our blog posts are suggested by authors, not the CMI editorial team. No one post can provide all relevant tools in the space. Feel free to include additional tools in the comments (from your company or ones that you have used).

Get the latest tips, trends, and research in content marketing. Subscribe today for CMI’s free weekday newsletter. 

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

The post 9 Font Hacks for Instagram Stories You Should Know appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Learn Digital Marketing Online: A Complete Guide to Boost Your Career

Learn Digital Marketing Online - A Complete Guide to Boost Your Career

The term “digital marketing” includes all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet.

Businesses leverage various digital channels, such as search engines, social media, email, and their websites to connect with current and prospective customers. At a high level, digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through these digital channels. This term covers a wide range of marketing activities, such as paid search, organic SEO, social media marketing, affiliate marketing, content marketing, video marketing, and so much more.

In today’s world of modern technology, there’s no denying that digital marketing skills are in high demand. In just a short period of time, digital marketing has grown to a high extent. It truly is the future of marketing, as it may one day be replacing other forms of marketing altogether.

Whether you’re somewhat familiar with digital marketing or you’re starting from scratch, you may be looking to learn more. There are several ways you can learn digital marketing online; for example, you can take digital marketing courses. If you’re on the fence about whether a digital marketing course is right for you, here are a few points to consider and reasons to learn digital marketing:

Become an in-demand professional

Have you heard of the digital skills gap? By 2020, it is projected that there will be 150,000 digital jobs available, but not enough digital marketing professionals to fill them. For those learning digital marketing, this offers a unique competitive advantage: You’re gearing yourself up for a career where demand exceeds supply. This is always a good move.

Benefit from more career choices

If you received certification from one of the web’s many digital marketing certification programs, then you have plenty of fields to choose from. Digital marketing is a vast field and there are a lot of roles and responsibilities to take on. Also, this is the most flexible field to work in because one can move from one field to another fairly easily, which is quite difficult for those working in other industries. For example, a digital marketing professional can shift their focus from social media marketing to search engine optimization or email marketing. There will be plenty of opportunities to grow as a full-stack digital marketer as well.

Additionally, when it comes to career choices and availability, consider the fact that just about every company these days has an internal marketing department with a growing need for digital marketing professionals. From healthcare to retail, to entertainment and financial, you’ll almost always find companies in your area looking to hire digital marketing professionals. And if you want to keep things interesting by working on different accounts and in different industries at the same time, you can also look for a job at a digital marketing agency that serves multiple clients.

Growing salary opportunities

Candidates with proven skills and professional certifications from online marketing certificate programs are often more likely to get paid more than the ones who are just starting their career without any certifications or proven practical skills. Companies are more likely to hire people with the right education, rather than those who have no previous experience or training.

Not only does learning digital marketing and getting your digital marketing training certification put you ahead of the competition when it comes to landing a role in general, but it can also lead to an increase in salary. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American salary is $44,564 annually. According to Glassdoor, however, the average American digital marketer makes $71,127 annually. This is just the average base pay and does not include annual bonuses or other perks.

Learn digital marketing online - image 1

Image Source: The Balance Careers

Kick start your career

Maybe you’re not necessarily interested in a career focusing solely on digital marketing. In fact, you might have plans to start your own business entirely, which has nothing to do with advertising, marketing, or computers. But as any entrepreneur knows in this day and age, a strong online presence is imperative, regardless of the industry you want to launch a business in. Because, digital marketing will be such an important part of your company’s success, learning this invaluable skill can help your own company take off. Alternatively, you’d likely have to hire a digital marketing consultant or agency, which can quickly increase your business expenses.

There’s no denying that sometimes, you just have to spend money to make money. But if you can do your own digital marketing, that can help you save a lot.

Different ways to learn digital marketing

Once you’re convinced that you should learn digital marketing, you may be wondering about different ways you can learn as much as possible. Some of the ways to learn digital marketing include:

Enrolling in digital marketing online courses

One of the best ways to learn digital marketing is to sign up for digital marketing online courses. Industry professionals often lead these online courses, which include teaching students vital digital marketing skills with practical assignments and hands-on projects.

If you really want to stand out from your peers in this industry, earning your digital marketing certification online will help considerably. Simplilearn’s catalog of digital marketing courses offer practical materials to prepare students for the digital marketing world and can help make them industry-ready from day one.

One of the issues the digital marketing industry is facing is that there are sometimes no barriers to entry, meaning that anyone with a loose grasp of industry terminology can potentially get a position in a company. But as this industry matures, recruiters are becoming savvier about what differentiates a candidate that can talk the talk but could be a costly mistake for the company.

Learn by following influencers or industry experts

Digital marketing is a field in which things are always progressing and changing; something new develops each day and all digital marketers around the world want to stay updated. Gone are the days where we search for all updates on the internet. Instead, we follow hundreds of pages and influencers on social media, so we can stay notified round-the-clock. Following industry experts and influencers who are proficient in digital marketing is not only a great way to initially learn the basic fundamentals, but it’s also essential for keeping up with the latest digital marketing changes and trends.

Learn digital marketing on the job

Another way to learn digital marketing is to learn it on the job. In some situations, it can be somewhat easy to get a job in the digital marketing field and then learn how things work. For example, you may take on an internship or an entry-level position that requires little to no experience. Although learning digital marketing on the job can certainly be helpful, especially if you’re a hands-on learner, most of the people miss out on the latest changes and strategies if this is the only way they are learning about digital marketing. Also, there are a lot of terminologies in this field; if you don’t learn what these terms mean from authorized sources or through your professional training, then you may end up making some unavoidable mistakes that could potentially set you back, or even worse: cost you your job.

Learn by following the top digital marketing blogs

In addition to following some of the industry’s top influencers and experts, keeping up with some of the most respected digital marketing blogs and video channels, which are often the go-to sources for most digital marketing professionals, is a terrific way to learn online marketing.

From the basics to advanced principles, these popular blogs are fresh with actionable information to improve your marketing. Some popular digital marketing blogs to follow include Moz, Neil Patel, Kissmetrics, and Search Engine Journal. If you prefer videos, some of the top YouTube digital marketing tutorial channels include GaryVee, Backlinko, and Digital Nest.

Learn the basics from free online courses

There are plenty of websites on the internet that offer digital marketing courses for free. You can sign up on those sites and learn digital marketing through various courses and programs. Those courses can help you develop the understanding for the field and get a certificate as well, but they are not as authenticated as professional certificates and tend to have low completion rates. These free courses don’t usually offer any interactive projects, practical hands-on learning, or live lectures. Although some of these free courses can help you get your feet wet, if you’re serious about learning digital marketing, you’ll need professional training with a certified online education program. As the old adage goes, you typically get what you pay for.

Wrapping up

There are a lot of paid education programs out there, but Simplilearn is one of the world’s leading certification providers. They offer a wide variety of courses for all levels of digital marketers; there is something for everyone based on what your goals are and what you are looking to specifically learn. Whether you’re looking to sharpen your digital marketing skills in general or you want to focus your studies on one specific field of digital marketing, Simplilearn is certain to have the program you’re looking for. To learn more about Simplilearn’s digital marketing courses and to sign up, browse their online course listings.

Guest author: Awestruck by Star Trek as a kid, Jake Anderson has been relentless in his pursuit for covering the big technological innovations which will shape the future. A self-proclaimed gadget freak, he loves getting his hands on every piece of gadget he can afford.

The post Learn Digital Marketing Online: A Complete Guide to Boost Your Career appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.

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How to Structure a Great Blog Post That Readers AND Search Engines Will Love

Even if you’re an amazing writer, you can’t write a great blog post without a solid structure.

This is good news for most bloggers: to produce quality content, you don’t have to be amazing at writing, you just need to write a clear, well-structured post.

Structuring your post the right way will help with your SEO too. Search engines need to be able to “read” what’s important in your post, so they can rank it for appropriate keywords.

We’re going to take a look at each part of your post in turn, explaining how best to approach it so that it’ll work well for readers and for search engines.

Structuring Your Title

Your title should include the keyword you’re aiming to rank for (e.g. if you’re writing a post comparing different blogging platforms, that keyword might be “best blogging platforms”).

This is obviously good for search engines … but it’s also good for your readers. A clear, direct title lets them know exactly what your post is about.

For both search engines and readers, you don’t want your title to be too long. Around 70 characters, or more precisely, 600 pixels, is the maximum that search engines will show (that includes everything: letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation and special characters). For more on title length, check out SEOpressor’s comprehensive post here (SEO focused) and HubSpot’s advice here (reader focused).

If you don’t want to count characters or pixels, this Google SERP Generator tool show you know when your titles will get truncated.

Note: You can potentially set a different title tag (which is what search engines give more weight to for ranking and what your readers see in the search results) from the main heading (H1 tag) that appears on your page itself.
That way, the title tag can be a little more keyword focused. If they’re too different, though, that can create a sense of disconnect for readers who click through from search engine results.

Good title: The Best Free Blogging Platforms of 2018 [Ranked and Reviewed] (specific, clear promise of what the reader will get, 62 characters)
Bad title: Blogging Platforms (too vague and too short)

Structuring Your Post’s URL

This is something that bloggers don’t always think about … but your URL is important for both readers and search engines. Readers may see the URL before coming to your post at all (and they could well see it without the title of your post attached).

If you’re using a recent installation of WordPress, your post URLs should look something like this:

There are other options for your URL, though, such as including the date or the category, e.g.:

I’d suggest avoiding using these, because:

  • Posts with the date in the URL will soon start to seem less relevant and up-to-date, which gives people less reason to click through. Obviously, a lower click through rate (CTR) means less traffic … but it’s also believed to affect your ranking, too.
  • Posts with the category in the URL are inevitably longer. Simple, shorter URLs are easier to remember, and again get a better CTR from search engine results pages. If you feel that taxonomy is important, use breadcrumbs.

Instead of using the full title of your post in the URL (which is the default), you should also edit the “permalink” so that it contains just a few keywords. Keep it short and simple.

For instance, my post “5 Ways to Pick the Perfect Brand Name” has the URL:

Structuring Your Post Into Subsections

Unless you write very short posts, it’s helpful for both readers and search engines to split them into subsections.
Each of your subsections should have a subheading, formatted as an H2 (Heading 2) tag. Like your post title, each should ideally include a keyword that you want to rank for.

If you want subsections within subsections, you can use H3 for the lower-level headings.

These tags matter: from the reader’s point of view, they help make your post easy to engage with. On almost any blog theme, H2 (and H3) tags will be larger and bolder than the rest of the text. They also help create more whitespace on the page.

From the search engine’s point of view, H2 and H3 tags help indicate what your page is about. Google have been widely quoted saying that they use H-tags in their algorithms, though Search Engine Journal suggests that these tags don’t have much influence beyond the first couple on the page.

Note: While Google don’t mind if you have more than one H1 tag on a single page, most bloggers believe it’s best to only use H1 for the main heading on the page.

Including Links in Your Post

When writing a post, it’ll often make sense within the structure to use links to point the reader to further information, rather than trying to cover lots of tangents in the post itself.

Links are helpful for readers because they can:

  • Point them to more advanced information on a particular topic
  • Help them find a more beginner-friendly explanation of something they don’t quite understand yet
  • Allow them to verify what you’re saying is true (by letting them easily check out your sources)

These could be internal links (to other posts on your own blog, or pages on your website), or outbound links (to other people’s content).

Internal links obviously help you to get more page views and engagement from your readers, but from an SEO perspective, they have two benefits:

  • They pass “link juice”/PageRank, so the receiving page benefits in rankings power
  • They pass relevancy through the anchor text (the words that you attach the URL itself to). If you use anchor text that makes sense to the user, it’s likely it will make sense to search engines too.

There’s some debate in the SEO community about whether or not outbound links help your own SEO, but some feel that linking to reputable sites helps your own rankings a little (and at the very least doesn’t hurt).

Good search engine optimisation is never about tricking or gaming search engines. Instead, it’s about writing great content that readers will love … and that search engines will want to promote to them.

Well structured posts are easy to write and easy to read. They’re more likely to rank in search engines when people search for that topic. They’re also more likely to get social media shares, and potentially more links from other blogs, which would boost the ranking further.

So, next time you write a post for your blog, think about the title, URL, subheadings and links you use. Make them as clear and useful as you can … for search engines, and also for your readers.

Joe Williams runs Tribe SEO, offering online courses to help you get to grips with SEO fast. He’s the lead SEO lecturer at the Digital Marketing Institute, and has been featured in the Guardian, Cosmopolitan, and Huffington Post.

Original post: How to Structure a Great Blog Post That Readers AND Search Engines Will Love

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7 B2C Brands Offer Content Marketing Lessons and Inspiration

Though an astounding 86% of B2C marketers use content marketing, the successful ones represent a smaller percentage.

That’s what prompted me to identify brands excelling at content marketing. These seven retail brands have committed, consistent, and differentiated content programs. Read on to see how they deliver what their audience wants.


Recognized as the first watch company built on a direct-to-consumer model, MVMT smartly leverages influencer partnerships and multimedia storytelling with the appeal of almost global grandeur. It does this via its blog – targeting on-the-move go-getters who live life on their own terms.

Gone is boring product-focused content and self-promotional jargon. It focuses on the life its audience is living (or wants to live) with categories like travel, disruptors and dreamers, and fashion.

MVMT’s blog often incorporates its partnerships with well-known fitness, fashion, and style connoisseurs. By connecting these influencers with its blog, MVMT can see the benefit of content amplification and greater credibility because these influencers often have a lot of Instagram followers (which works well for visually impressive content like MVMT’s) and have become recognized voices in their respective niches.

Unique watch brand @mvmt’s blog partners w/ fitness, fashion, & style #influencers, says @mjbecker_.
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Morgan Oliver Allen is one of the featured influencers. Morgan, who has over 100,000 followers on Instagram, is profiled in the Disruptors and Dreamers category. MVMT also doesn’t use a traditional format to tell the story – it breaks it up in short sections (bio, what moves you, quote) and powerful imagery.

BONUS TIP: MVMT’s blog isn’t limited to text. It uses multiple formats, including video, to appeal to its audience’s preferred modes of content consumption.

MVMT incorporates options-to-buy within its content, but not until the reader has found value. It also does it in a way that doesn’t disrupt the user experience.


The world’s No. 1 revenue-generating company (more than $500 billion in annual revenue) with 2.3 million employees has vivacious content marketing.

With hundreds of millions of customers, how does Walmart tackle its audience outreach? One of its major initiatives is its branded blog, Walmart Today. With a more traditional digital editorial look and feel, the blog addresses a slew of news- and business-related topics of interest to Walmart’s wide audience. Much of the content focuses on community, giving, service, and volunteering to showcase how the brand is implicitly or explicitly improving the world.

The mega retailer also has Walmart Labs hosted on Medium, which includes its Tech Blog where behind-the-scenes team members share insights on advanced, technical topics.

Dick’s Sporting Goods

Dick’s Pro Tips blog includes content popular in many content marketing programs – checklists, guides, how-to, training, and tools – to help its audience of athletes and sports fanatics.

Its high-quality, relevant content is provided in multiple formats with the goal of helping its customers get better at their craft.

The blog is fresh and simple. It’s designed to spur users to engage in a bit of binging, incorporating elements like:

.@Dick’s Pro Tips #blog is designed to spur users to engage in #content binging, says @mjbecker_.
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  • Related articles in the right sidebar of posts
  • You may also like articles at the end of posts
  • Shop-related gear in the right sidebar of posts
  • A sliding hero banner on the main page with top picks

Each article’s page is its own resource, including text, links to related content, videos, and buying guides.

This narrowly focused post – How to Choose a Yoga Block and When to Use It – reflects the multimedia opportunity for readers.

Scroll down farther to see graphic illustrations:

Scrolling down, viewers who learn better by seeing rather than reading can watch this video, which breaks down the activity:

If you’re a customer who’s interested in getting better at your sport activity, Dick’s has positioned itself as a go-to resource.


How does one of the most successful apparel brands in the world grow its audience and spread its fashion flavor? H&M launched an online magazine to supplement its audience growth potential.

“Dedicated to fashion, beauty and culture,” H&M Magazine offers daily updates and inspiration from all over the world. Content is multifaceted and multiform. It combines visual elements, text, and video posts to enhance overall quality and create a smoother user experience. It truly feels like a magazine you want to read.

H&M is a gigantic consumer brand. A digital magazine isn’t going to be solely responsible for its success. However, the investment in the magazine allows the company to further cultivate an audience of energetic, educated brand fans.

.@hm‏’s investment in its digital mag cultivates an audience of energetic, educated brand fans. @mjbecker_
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Mrs. Meyer’s

In an advertising class in college, I had to write 100 headlines to sell a household cleaner. Researching and creating crafty blurbs for Mrs. Meyer’s, though, showed me what an amazing brand it is.

Its content hub caters to a clearly identifiable audience, and the content goes beyond describing why the cleaner is good. It also isn’t the type of content you’d expect for a cleaning brand. Content from Mrs. Myer’s is designed to encourage readers to “Get Making” – focusing on DIY projects, offering actionable pointers on cleaning, and even sharing recipes.

.@MrsMeyersClean #content hub focuses on a niche audience – the makers, says @mjbecker_.
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Though Mrs. Meyer’s wants to sell its products to as many people as possible, it deliberately narrowed the niche for its content to focus on the makers in the wider audience.

For example, this article about how to make a rope lamp won’t appeal to the masses, but it will inspire the makers:

BONUS TIP: Notice how the “ingredients” in this DYI project don’t include any of the brand’s products.

With multiple educational and fitness-based forums, has become a go-to authority in the sports nutrition/health industry. Though the company sells supplements and products bodybuilders seek, its site is content rich, from training regimens and workout plans to nutrition, health, and lifestyle topics. The site is as comprehensive as it is helpful.

But didn’t stop with content. Its foundation isn’t the supplements, workouts, or recipes, it’s the community it has built. The veil between the brand’s content strategy and business strategy is thin. The real value of joining the community is the opportunity to contribute to and learn from a team of like-minded individuals all interested in attaining better health. User-generated content, a “FitBoard,” member search, and other interactive sub-sections/forums connect people to other people – the fabric of a truly dynamic content marketing initiative.

Lowe’s Home Improvement

Lowe’s puts significant resources into its video marketing, which uses YouTube as its primary distribution vehicle.

Lowe’s YouTube subscribers total over 606,000 – dramatically outnumbering the competition. Home Depot’s channel has about 195,000 subscribers, while Menards has 65,000, and even the biggest retail giant, Walmart, only has 348,000. Lowe’s even generates additional revenue from its channel by driving subscribers back to the website to make purchases.

With high-quality content that rivals HGTV’s programming, Lowe’s has created several ongoing series, including how-to videos, DIY basics, and seasonal decorating videos. But one of its biggest hits, The Weekender,” is a real-life makeover series in its fourth season. In it, DIY expert Monica Mangin transforms problem spaces for perplexed homeowners. Most of the videos in the series are anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes long.

Lowe’s also recognizes that a single YouTube channel wouldn’t work for its diverse audience’s interests and needs. It’s created a channel lineup to target niches in its wider audience:

  • Lowe’s Open House
  • Lowe’s Product Guides
  • LowesForPros
  • Iris by Lowe’s
  • Lowe’s Canada
  • DIY Guy


These brands’ content platforms – and, I suspect, those of most top-tier retail brands excelling at content marketing – share several common characteristics. Most of them focus on:

  • Delivering what their audience wants to know, learn, be inspired by, etc., rather than promoting why the audience needs their products
  • Creating content featuring influencers, fans, and experts who will help them extend the reach of the content to audiences the brands normally wouldn’t reach
  • Telling stories about how the brands operate in a larger context, showing how they help and connect with the larger communities
  • Picking a niche within their wider consumer audience to ensure that they deliver valuable and relevant content
  • Offering multiple formats, from text to video and more, to give their audiences a choice in how to consume the content
  • Going beyond creating content to create communities through online forums, user-generated content, etc.

If you care about turning customers (or prospects) into brand fans and loyalists, take inspiration from these seven brands and let these lessons help you improve your content marketing programs.

If improving your content marketing skills is on your to-do list for 2019, register today for the winter semester at Content Marketing University. 

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

The post 7 B2C Brands Offer Content Marketing Lessons and Inspiration appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.