Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Our Favorite Tweets from the 2015 #CMWorld Twitter Chats


At the Content Marketing Institute, our team is filled with people who have a genuine enthusiasm for the practice of content marketing. We also are fortunate to be supported by another team with a similar fervor – a vibrant #CMWorld Twitter Chat community. This super-smart, incessantly curious, and generous group gathers each Tuesday at noon Eastern Standard Time. We extend our sincere thanks to the hundreds of people who have joined us in 2015, including our inaugural CMI Community Champion Mike Myers.

Joe summed up our sentiments well when he tweeted:

Love you all #CMWorld. You are helping to change the face of communication and business as we know it. The big picture is real.

Below are a few of the most retweeted and insightful tweets from our chats. We invite you to join us in 2016. (You can see a schedule of upcoming chats and read transcripts from previous chats here.)

Community talk

Getting to know the #CMWorld community

100th chat

CMWorld wrap-up


Email marketing

Subscriber-building via websites and blogs

Customer experience and content marketing

Growth hacking content marketing

Strategies for building your email list

Content creation

Headline tips

Content built for intentional repurposing

Content Inc.

Content marketing for entrepreneurs

Charitable component to your business

Content marketing careers

Personal branding and content marketing

Professional development

Content promotion and distribution

Paid promotions for content marketing

Value of traditional media in content marketing

Content promotion

Content to build trust

Content marketing research

Research in your content marketing strategy

Influencer marketing

Media and influencer relations

Community-building to support marketing goals

Measurement and ROI

Content marketing metrics

Content hacks and tools to double conversion rates


SEO and content marketing

Social media

Social media management / management of multiple accounts



Customer service in a social/tech age

Social selling

Event apps to build and develop content for reuse

Varied content for social distribution



Content-driven experiences

Multichannel marketing

More intelligent content marketing

Content program development in a large enterprise

Engagement, impact, and sales

Content strategy 101

Teams and processes

Culture of content

PR and content marketing

Subject-matter experts

Role of the editor in content marketing

A good editor is someone who can turn something ridiculously terrible, into something ridiculously incredible. #cmworld

Wyzowl @wyzowl

Team processes and brand guidelines

Front-end vs. back-end marketers

Culture of content marketing

Multi-author blogs

Tools and technology

Content marketing productivity

Content marketing tools

Visual content and design

Creative video solutions

Want to discuss the latest trends in content marketing and get advice from experts? Join CMI (@CMIContent) and a guest every Tuesday from 12 PM – 1 PM ET as we discuss key content marketing topics. Follow #cmworld on Twitter to join the conversation. 

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

The post Our Favorite Tweets from the 2015 #CMWorld Twitter Chats appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

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