Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Here’s How to Integrate Instagram on Your Blog

As you probably know Instagram is the most popular image-based social network these days. They have close to 500 million monthly active users. That is around 20% of the whole Internet population!

What if you could integrate Instagram accounts,feeds,images together with their hashtags directly on your blog or website? It certainly would give a nice touch to your design and even allow your users to discover new images or interact with your Instagram official profile, for instance.


If you are using WordPress, doing this integration is pretty easy. This Instagram plugin allows you to display multiple public accounts, feeds, images together with their metadata and hashtags on your WordPress website. You can also do this by adding a widget to your sidebar, that will grab images directly from Instagram.The plugin has four image display views- Masonry and Blog style, Thumbnails and Image browser, to display the images both in thumbnails and in full size.The feeds can be displayed in three options: pagination, infinite scrolling and load more images upon clicking in the “more” button. Images can be sorted based on the likes, comments, date or randomly. You can also select whether to show likes,comments, description, user bio and followers count for the images.

You also control what happens when the user clicks on the image. The visitors can be redirected to Instagram, or the image can open in a lightbox. You can customize lightbox width and height and also select a transition effect from the available 15 ones.The images can be viewed as a slideshow as well. The lightbox supports filmstrip option and is capable of showing image info within it. You can also enable fullscreen view, comments and share buttons in the lightbox and add a link to the Instagram account.

Besides the mentioned features that are available in the free version, Instagram Feed WD Pro provides support and regular updates at very low prices.

Overall it’s a very cool and advanced plugin to display Instagram images on your site, so check it out! You can also view the instagram demo to see how the plugin works.

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This post is courtesy of: http://www.dailyblogtips.com

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