Friday, March 11, 2016

5 Tips on Running a Sports Blog

These days anyone with a laptop and internet access can start their own sports blog meaning it can be very hard to make yours a successful one. But that doesn’t mean you should shelf your dream for fear of failing. By following our tips below you’ll be well on your way to owning and running a successful blog.

1: Find Yourself a Unique Angle

Since there are so many sports blogs out there, it means you have to work that bit harder to ensure you gain a loyal following. One of the easiest ways of gaining a higher readership is by developing your blog to have a unique aspect to it that will make people want to read it and set you apart from your competitors. This could be featuring exclusive content and guest posts, hosting a weekly podcast or perhaps a quirky writing style. For inspiration, look at the top blogs in your niche. This Top 50 list of football blogs for example explains what makes each blog unique and popular with their readership. Research these top blogs and use them plan your own successful niche.

2: Post Frequently

It can be disheartening when you first start a blog. In the first week you post three beautifully written articles, your best work, and yet you get a disappointing number of views. It’s at this point that many will give up their sports blog dream, but don’t! Readers appreciate up-to-date information and news, and by posting daily articles you will not only reach new readers but begin to build yourself a regular following. Most blog platforms, such as WordPress, have a scheduling tool meaning that even if you can’t get online every day your blog can still post daily content.

3: Use Social Media Correctly

Social media is an amazing tool that can allow you to reach readers worldwide, however using social media isn’t as simple as spamming links to your blog. Instead, when tweeting out an article carefully choose the correct, relevant Twitter handles and hashtags to include and remember to engage with others. Post links to other news articles and get involved with other bloggers and readers. Bloggers tend to build a community that is happy to promote each other so you should make the most of this. Live tweeting during important sports events is particularly useful as avid fans have strong opinions and are often looking to discuss matches and events as they unfold – so it’s a great opportunity to engage with potential new readers.

4: Make your Posts Visually Appealing

People love to see a photograph or video in a blog post – it just adds another dimension to keep readers interested. Get into the habit of adding at least one of these to every post, but make sure you source these correctly or use one of the many free images available online. Videos are particularly advantageous to a sports blog as you can include interviews with players and replays of matches.

5: Don’t Focus on Making Money

Yes, it is true that you can make money from blogging, but this shouldn’t be your sole purpose for starting your blog. Instead establish your blog and readership first and then start implementing ways to make money. Some popular ways to make money on your sports blog include selling tickets and merchandise (especially if your blog is focused on one team), through contextual advertising such as Google AdSense or collaborations with relevant brands within your niche.

Over to you

Are you thinking about starting your own sports blog? Or are you already running one? Let us know your additional tips in the comments below.

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