Monday, May 2, 2016

Top 6 Ways to Generate More Mileage from Your Content

There are triggers that are guaranteed to make your content perform well on the web. In the online world, there are several million pieces of content added each day to the already billion pages of content that already exists on the web. In order for your content to stand out, it needs to have compelling elements that will allow it to break through the noise. Most web marketers struggle to execute this with their campaign.

Deliver content for a specific audience.

By addressing a core topic for a specific audience, your content will have a much better chance of gaining traction on the web. Don’t try to develop a content piece that appeals to everybody. Instead, find out the needs, wants, desires, problems, frustrations and fantasies of a specific audience group. For example, WordPress developers that want to use plugins that will improve their website’s performance. Or basketball players that want to know how they can improve their vertical leap ability.

Use compelling headlines.

Powerful headlines should be used to sell your content to the audience. They need to sell the worthiness of the content to be clicked, liked and shared on the web. Epic content will fall short if the headline fails to convince a potential viewer to engage with it. Upworthy content writers are required to write 25 headlines before publishing their content. As a result, they create unique and compelling headlines that allows their content to perform well across the web.

Use compelling images.

People love to engage with image content. The featured image that you use for your content can double the amount of traffic to your website. When the content is supported by more compelling images, it will create more opportunities for your content to get liked and shared across the web. Spend time creating good quality images that have a high-resolution and that tell a compelling story to your audience.

Make sure your content delivers value.

No matter what type of content you publish, it must deliver value for your target audience. Take the time to support your content with value by providing:

-Quotes from credible sources.
-Statistics from primary sources such as surveys.
-Embedding valuable content such as infographics, videos or audio files.
-Linking to other credible websites that support your content.  

Keep your content interesting by telling a story.

People love stories. So it is important that you find an angle that will allow you to develop a compelling story for your content. Consider telling a story that:

-Captures the human-interest angle.
-Highlights major announcements.
-Marks the passage of time (such as a 5, 10 or 25 year anniversary)
-Reacts to a current story, event or trend.
-Solves a problem.
-Is honest.

Promote your content on platforms where your target audience hangs out.

Implementing the right promotional strategy will allow your content to gain exposure, traffic and shares from your target audience. It is important that you identify where your audience hangs out online. Some methods for finding your audience online include:

-Searching for discussion threads on forums.
-Searching for question and answer websites like Quora for relevant discussion -topics.
-Searching for blog posts and adding to the commentary.
-Searching for topic groups on social media platforms.
-Searching for influencers on blogs, media or social media platforms and sharing -the content with them.

You can even use tools like BuzzSumo or Buzzstream to find people that have engaged with similar content and promote your content directly to them.

These are proven methods that will get your content likes and shares across the web. Amplify your website’s content by implementing these tactics today!

This post was contributed from, a digital marketing agency in Australia.

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