Monday, June 27, 2016

4 Tips to Improve Your Google Indexing

As you probably know, if people can’t find your website on Google it might as well not exist! Google is by far the largest search engine, and getting organic traffic from it is paramount to make any website popular, be it a blog, an eCommerce or a web application.

The problem is that getting Google to index your site correctly and efficiently is not a simple task. Below you’ll find 4 tips that can help you with that.

1. Let Google Know You Exist

Google has a submission form that you can use to inform it about your new site. Don’t!

The best way to get Google to discover and index your site is to get a backlink from a reputable website. This is more efficient than the tool because any spammer can use the tool, and they do!

If you want more information on this topic, check out this article from Neil Patel detailing how to get Google to crawl your site.

2. Optimize on-site factors

You need to make sure that your on-site factors are optimized if you want Google to crawl your site correctly and to index all your pages and posts. This includes:

– Correct HTML code
– Correct permalink structure
– Efficient internal linking
– Sitemap

Here’s an SEO checklist you can use for this purpose.

3. More authority links

Good search rankings and organic traffic comes from two main factors: quality content and quality links. Lots of quality content and lots of quality links.

Focus on getting links from related websites, and preferably from authoritative ones. A link from an authoritative website inside your niche is worth 1000 non-relevant links from smaller sites.

4. Monitor your rankings

You can’t improve what you can’t measure. If you want to improve your indexing and search rankings over time, you need to measure your performance over time. You could do it manually, but it would very time consuming.

A better way to do it is to use a tool and automate the process. This post from Cyfe explains how to accomplish that.

Wanna learn how to make more money with your website? Check the Online Profits training program!

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