Wednesday, November 16, 2016

First 20 DBT Readers Get Free Enrollment to this SEO Program

SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, involves optimizing both external and internal factors on a website to make sure that its pages and content will rank as high as possible on search engines like Google. Ranking high on search engines, in turn, will send a lot of organic (i.e., natural and free) traffic to the website, and getting traffic is the most important factor of any website.

For that reason SEO is a field that is always on the rise. From 1995 to 2005 the Web grew a lot, and those who knew how to promote websites and draw web visitors made a lot of money, either for themselves or by providing consulting services for companies and organizations.

In 2005 blogs started to become popular, and content marketing emerged as a very efficient marketing strategy. Those who knew how to craft engaging content and rank that content well on search engines made a lot of money.

Lately, the explosion of smartphones and mobile apps created yet another wave of technology change, and gain SEO was in high demand to be able to rank and promote those mobile apps and mobile-friendly websites.

If you want to get a piece of this pie and learn about SEO, or if you already work in the field but would like to polish your skills, read on!

Where To Learn About SEO

There are basically two ways to learn about SEO. You can start building websites and tweaking them to see what works and what doesn’t in terms of getting traffic (gathering information online to guide your strategies). This first option works, but will take a lot of time (sometimes years) before you start seeing significant results.

The second options is to go through a training program. With this option you will spend a bit of money to get a structured learning environment which will speed up the learning curve for you.


One place you can go for such training is Simplilearn, an online platform that offers hundreds of online courses and programs, from SEO to Android development, from Data Science to Analytics. Search online and you’ll verify that their courses are very well regarded.

Step 1: SEO Foundations

One of their most popular programs is called SEO Foundations. Danny Drover, former lead SEO of MOZ (one of the most respect SEO sites and platforms in the world), is the advisor for the course and help to structure its lessons and content. Here are the main features:

– 2+ hours of high quality eLearning content
– Covers SEO measurement, design and architecture
– Quizzes to measure your progress
– Topics about algorithm updates and SEO changes
– Simulation exams

The program will give you a solid foundation about the SEO, and you’ll be able to use what you’ll learn to make sure that your blogs and websites will rank well and receive a lot of organic traffic.

How To Get This Program Free

The program usually costs $99, but the Simplilearn guys sent us an email and offered free enrollment to the first 20 DailyBlogTips readers. Sweet huh?

If you want to guarantee your spot, simply leave a comment below. The first 20 comments will receive the prize. Keep in mind that comments go through moderation, so your comment might not appear online immediately. The date and time when you comment are registered, though, so if you are one of the first 20 you will receive the prize even if your comment gets stuck in the moderation queue.

Step 2: Advanced SEO Certification Course

Once you complete the SEO Foundation course (hopefully free of charge from the promotion above!) you can take it to the next level with the Advanced SEO Certification Course. This course is was also elaborated by Danny Drover, former lead SEO of Moz, and it was designed to give you all the tools and information you need to optimize your own websites or provide SEO consulting services for other people and businesses.

Here are the main features:

– 25+ hours of high quality eLearning
– Downloadable workbooks and exercises
– Topics about on-page and architecture best practices
– Online progress quiz and practice tests
– Comprehensive and up-to-date content

After taking this course you’ll receive a certificate that is trusted by several companies, including HP, Microsoft and Salesforce.

Who Should Learn About SEO?

In my opinion pretty much every professional should learn about SEO these days, because every single business out there needs a strong online presence. Suppose you are a secretary for a law firm. If you learn about SEO you will be able to optimize and promote the website of your firm, thus increasing its traffic and the number of clients that will come through the website. Guess what, once your bosses see the results they are probably going to give you a raise or a promotion.

Other examples of people who could use SEO to positively impact their careers:
– Freelance Writers
– Doctors, Dentists
– Small business owners
– Lawyers
– Private teachers and tutors
– Marketing professionals
– Consultants

Original post: First 20 DBT Readers Get Free Enrollment to this SEO Program

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