Monday, September 18, 2017

4 Ways to Promote Your Business with Video

Did you know that almost 80% off all Internet traffic is made of video? And did you know that every day over five billion videos are watched it on YouTube? Video is huge, and if you’re not using it to promote your business you are missing out on a big opportunity. Below you will find four ways that you can use to promote your business with video content.

1. Create marketing videos

YouTube has over one billion active users many of them are searching for general information, tutorials, how-to videos and so on. If you create a marketing videos targeting specific keywords related to your business you could attract those users. The cool thing is that you don’t even need to know how to record video. You can leverage libraries like VideoBlocks to download ready to go motion graphics and then simply customize eat to your business.

2. Convert your existing content into video

If you don’t know what kind of videos that you can create, you can simply transform your existing content into videos. For example, you can convert your blog posts into videos. Second, if you have a marketing material like e-books or reports you can also convert them into videos.

3. Create a YouTube channel

As long as you plan to create a more than a couple of videos, and you should, then creating your own YouTube channel is a must. By promoting your YouTube channel on your website and on social networks you should be able to increase their popularity off your videos. Here is a post with 18 tips you can use to promote your YouTube channel.

4. Use explainer videos on key pages

Research confirms that video can increased conversion rates significantly. This means that you should have at least one video on your sales pages, newsletter sign-up pages, and so on. There are many online tools that can help you to create an explainer video for your product or service, and those will help your potential customers to better evaluate and understand your offering.

Original post: 4 Ways to Promote Your Business with Video

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