Thursday, May 17, 2018

Why You Should Consider Twitter Moments In Your Next Social Media Strategy

Why You Should Consider Twitter Moments In Your Next Social Media Strategy

Snapchat has ‘Snapchat Stories’. Instagram has ‘Instagram Stories’. And Twitter has…. well, ‘Twitter Moments’.

Trying to regain their authority in the social media space, Twitter placed all their hopes in ‘Twitter Moments’ when it was first launched in 2015, as a challenger to the then trending ‘Snapchat Stories’.

For those of you who live under a rock, ‘Twitter Moments’ is a powerful feature that lets users collect and curate tweets to tell stories in a new way.

Snapchat sky-rocketed with the feature but, for Twitter, things really went south from there.

Twitter’s last hope aka ‘Twitter Moments’ failed to make an impact on users and since then, Twitter has been hell-bent on optimizing their platform and specifically ‘Moments’ to drive more engagement.

What followed is a series of updates made on the platform to make ‘moments’ more user and advertiser-friendly.

But the most recent Twitter update of ‘Sponsored Moments’ paves way for brand collaboration for the greater good. With this update, an advertiser can brand and promote a publisher’s ‘Moment’ that they think would go well with their audience.

The first example of this is Bank Of America advertising Bloomberg’s report.

Bank of America Twitter Moments

This is a new form of advertising and holds enormous potential as brands can collaborate and publish their views on the latest happenings around the world, collaboratively publish content that engages both their audiences, hold a Q & A session… the possibilities are endless.

I know Twitter is most likely not an integral part of your social media strategy for 2018

But with the ever-increasing number of advertisers and marketers flocking to Instagram and Facebook to get results, there is no better time to market yourself on Twitter through ‘Twitter Moments’ than now.

So, how do you market yourself with this not-so-new but new gimmick? Let me show you how.

But before we begin, If you don’t know how to create a ‘Twitter Moment’, you can learn it easily with this handy Twitter guide and optimize it for attaining the best results with the help of this guide

How to use ‘Twitter Moments’ to woo audiences

1. Share breaking news

According to Pew Research, more than 25% of US adults get their news from Social Media. And Twitter, in all its essence, has always been a news platform – the go-to place for finding newsworthy topics, most viral posts, and trending images.

So, it makes sense to create ‘Moments’ that represent your view of breaking news to get a few more eyes on your brand. Curate or publish your own tweets via ‘Moments’ to share your views and the latest tweets on breaking news with the world.

See how TicToc By Bloomberg uses a breaking news Twitter Moment of a Waffle House shooting in Nashville:

2. Create fun round-ups

Round-ups are not just about taking advice from a few industry leaders and publishing it on your blog. You can have a round-up on any random topic with your followers on any social media platform and it is bound to spark engagement.

Casually asking your followers to share a specific personal experience, a childhood memory, their fears or selfies or anything that shows their human side and creating a ‘moment’ of all the hilarious replies can really go a long way.

Here’s how Jessica Ellis did it:

3. Make conversations happen on Twitter

By now, I am sure you definitely must be aware of the fact that you can hop on existing conversations on Twitter using hashtags. And creating an entire ‘moment’ containing the best tweets around a hashtag is a really exciting way to leverage the exposure of already trending hashtags.

Or even better, you can start your own conversations on Twitter by creating a ‘moment’ with a unique hashtag to spark engagement and awareness.

Not sure how you’d do it? See this example of a ‘#SavingourWorld’ campaign initiated by Business Insider that generated a lot of buzz:

4. Resurface your old tweets

With more than 500 million tweets every day on the platform, it’s not hard for your tweet to get lost in the noise.

‘Moments’ can serve as an easy way to resurface those tweets that underperformed due to uncertain circumstances and put them on the first seat once again.

Want to get more likes and retweets on a report that took you 3 weeks to complete? Resurface it with a ‘Twitter Moment’. Would you like to get more engagement on a post about an event that you posted at a wrong time? Resurface it with a ‘Twitter Moment’.

Look how intelligently Cosmopolitan resurfaced all their tweets about the big day of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry using ‘Twitter Moments’ to bring more eyes to their tweets:

Wrapping up

Twitter is going to make a heroic comeback in the Social Media space with ‘Twitter Moments’. While the feature is still trying to gain some momentum with the 300 million marketers present on the platform, the recent developments being made to ‘Moments’ makes sure that users can access them with the least amount of friction possible and consume the latest news seamlessly.

How you want to use ‘Twitter Moments’ depends entirely on how creative you can get with your campaigns. These 4 ways are not, in any way, the only ways to promote content with ‘Twitter Moments’, but are one of the easiest ones to spark engagement.

You can also use ‘Twitter Moments’ to promote company news and latest developments, gather internal feedback, showcase positive customer stories and tweets, share an inspirational story and what not! Your imagination is the limit!

Guest author: Sudhir is a marketing expert who loves to write about subjects that help small businesses grow their brands. Sudhir cares about people and businesses and tries to show it through his writing by producing both generous and accurate content. He stays abreast of industry trends and news, making it easy for him to stay relevant. When he is not spending time helping clients – you can find him hanging out with friends. He also enjoys meeting new people and welcomes you to engage with him on social media on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter . Keep Learning…..

The post Why You Should Consider Twitter Moments In Your Next Social Media Strategy appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.

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