Friday, September 28, 2018

How to Use Social Media Monitoring as More Than a Listening Tool

If you stop at the listening part of social media monitoring, you’re missing out on fresh and effective ways to interact with your target audience and deliver better business results.

Consider these six ways to take your social media monitoring to the next level.

First, let’s get one thing out of the way: Social media listening and social media monitoring are one and the same. Sure, “listening” can convey deeper meaning; however, these words are used interchangeably.

Second, social media listening is identifying how your brand/company/product/CEO or any other valuable keyword is mentioned on social media platforms. It also can encompass websites, blogs, forums, etc. Social media listening tools, e.g., Awario (disclosure: I work for the company), Mention, and Talkwalker, enable you to efficiently track those mentions.

Now, let’s get to how to respond to that listening and monitoring.

1. Turn online criticism into a brand positive

As weird as it sounds, online negative reviews give you more opportunities to show off and attract clients compared to positive ones. Most people are aware of the popularity of fake reviews and they never know whether to trust a positive review online. A negative review followed by a thorough response from a company is clearly authentic. Followers of the interaction can get an impression that the brand cares for its customers and stands out from soulless corporate organizations.

Negative reviews give brands opportunity to show off and attract clients better than positive ones, says @AB80.
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If it’s a reasonable criticism, reply with a brief apology followed by a detailed solution or explanation of how the mistake will be avoided in the future. While it might be too late to help the original poster, the audience that sees your reply can appreciate it. The audience will recognize that your brand will do its best to solve a customer’s problem – even if they don’t know the ending for the customer.

If the complaint is obviously ridiculous, ungrounded, and/or simply rude, go ahead and make a show of it. Use humor as a defense mechanism, and while you’ll likely lose the customer, the sarcasm-loving and conflict-craving audience of social media will love your brand for that. (Note: Make sure a humorous or sarcastic response fits with your brand’s voice. Otherwise, it likely won’t work well.)

This comeback from Virgin Trains worked well based on the number of “likes” and retweets (the brand averages about three retweets in a typical post.)

2. Chime in on questions not asked of your brand

Through social listening, you also can identify people who are asking questions publicly about your products or brand. They don’t go to you, the brand. They might ask their followers or the social media universe in general, hoping someone will react (Twitter lives for this kind of people).

Through social listening, you can find these questions and give people what they need (an answer, an instruction, an article for more details) is likely to attract interest and possibly traffic. Here’s how:

3. Implement social selling

According to Brand 24, 14,000 online searches each month start with “can anyone recommend?” and 30,000 searches include “where can I buy?”

14k searches per month start w/ “can anyone recommend?” & 30k searches include “where can I buy? @brand24
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Creating alerts in a social media listening tool with similar questions, your industry/service, and (if applicable) location will give you suggestions on leads to follow as these people are interested in the type of product you sell but may be unaware of your brand.

Depending on the situation, you can respond on social media as your brand’s representative. Have you heard of something more superior to cold calling? Here’s a potential example:

Now imagine if Loomly had responded to Katrien’s tweet instead of or in addition to my colleague Anna’s reply.

4. Establish yourself as an industry leader

While publishing valuable content on reputable sites and contributing to Twitter chats is a good idea, to be an effective industry leader, you need to get online and answer questions about your industry. Through social monitoring, you can answer the questions your audience is asking. Pay special attention to community-aggregated sites like Reddit and Quora because these places are where experts get “discovered.” It’s best to share your unique insight or niche knowledge to stand out in a crowd of responses.

To be an effective industry leader, you need to get online & answer questions about your industry. @AB80
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People who read your responses and have a need for your product are likely to dig further to learn more about your brand. Make sure when they check out your profile and social media history (a common tactic for Reddit and Quora users) they can see you’re a trustworthy expert.

5. Steal your competitors’ customers

Your competitors’ customers are undeniably leads. They are at the far end of the sales funnel. All you need to convey at this point is that your product is better than the one they’re already using. And that’s not as hard as you might think.

Your competitors’ customers are divided into three groups: happy or satisfied, unhappy or dissatisfied, and undecided. Leave the satisfied ones alone and find the others through your social media listening.

Monitoring your main competitors and keywords can indicate uncertainty and unhappiness that you can act on.

Negative and not-so-good reviews, complaints, the search of alternatives and recommendations should become your battlefield. Explain why your brand is better, and, more specifically, why it doesn’t have the faults the other one has (without restating those faults) as shown in the example above.

Respond to complaints about your competitors posted on #socialmedia as a better alternative, says @AB80.
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6. Engage with influencers

In a recent case study by TapInfluence and Nielsen Catalina Solutions, influencer marketing delivers 11 times the ROI of digital marketing. Not all kinds of influencers will bring you this amazing result – only the ones relevant to your brand whose followers are your target audience. Use social media listening tools to identify micro– and macro-influencers based on their relevance to your brand and industry, the number of followers, and overall activity.

You can reach out to these influencers in a number of ways. You can form a relationship with an influencer before your first direct outreach – follow their profiles, share their content before ever asking to share yours, engage in conversations relevant to them and to you. You can provide the influencer a product to review or ask the influencer to participate in a beta test. In many cases, paid promotion is the only option and all you have to do is agree on the price and parameters. (Note: If you provide a product or payment, disclosure in their posts of that relationship is a must to ensure transparency.)

Final thoughts

People express their opinions, frustrations, and desires online. And somehow, brands are still experimenting with the methods from five, if not 10 years ago, and ignoring the amazing possibilities of things brought to us by big data and machine learning. Social media listening is one of those amazing things to discover your audience, its interests, its questions, etc., and be the brand engaging with them.

Want to “listen” from your inbox? Subscribe today to the free weekday CMI newsletter for tips, trends, and monitoring of what’s happening in content marketing. 

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

The post How to Use Social Media Monitoring as More Than a Listening Tool appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

6 Tips for Marketing on Facebook

Fine tuning your marketing on Facebook to be successful long term takes more than just running some ads and hoping for the best. Facebook ads are getting more expensive, which means getting the most of our this ad spend is becoming more and more vital. Here are 6 tips that will actually help you in the day to day management of your marketing campaigns on Facebook.

1. Retarget. Remarket.

Whichever you call it, you have to be doing it. It’s amazing how many companies market on Facebook without ensuring remarketing is a part of their strategy. It’s essential to be successful over time.

To do this, set up your retargeting audiences from the get go. The audiences you should retarget to are;

-people who watched 25%, 50%, and 75% of any of videos
-people who Engaged with your Page
-website Visitors
-your existing Page Fans

These audiences should be sized 180 and 30 days. To get even more serious, target 1 day and 7 day audiences.

2. Use Business Manager

Ensure your ad account is inside of a Business Manager, along with your page. Facebook’s business manager is an amazing, organized solution to everything Facebook related. Don’t be the guy with your company’s ad account connected to just your personal Facebook profile. This

The more places your ad account is connected, the higher the possibility to recover it if anything happens. And things do happen, even if they’re wrong. Having a connection to a Facebook representative will help you in these circumstances as well.

3. Set up custom columns.

Instead of relying on Facebook’s default columns, there are likely data points that are needed specifically by your marketing team, such as Custom Conversions, or the cost per XYZ Custom Conversion. Here’s a good starter list: Campaign Name, Ad Set Name, Reach, Frequency, Relevance Score. For an commerce company, things like Checkout Initiated, Adds to Cart, and Purchases will be next. Save as a preset in your ad account. This will save you lots of time as you’ll no longer need to do this every time you analyze the performance of campaigns.

4. Video is King

Video advertising is crucial in today’s online marketing mix, and video marketing statistics show it performs extremely well across nearly all ages and demographics. Having a powerful and creative video on the “front end” of your marketing that will properly explain your brand/product/service along with social proof and authority. There are lots of video formats you should test, such as simple short video loops (6-8 seconds), animated videos, live-action videos, and more.

Target your ideal audience cold, and then retarget them with other content later. Test different objectives, but a great formula is Video Views or Page Post Engagement in the Facebook feed and other placements, once again without a CTA on the post.

5. Run ads that don’t look like ads.

Go out of your way to develop creative that is unique and looks like original content, not an advertisement. Keeping engagement and relevancy score high is key, and a great way on Facebook to do this is to show them ads that don’t really look like ads.

Social proof and short testimonials with images or video content, without even a strong CTA or “Shop Now”/“Learn More” button will build even more rapport with your audiences, before your ads with strong CTAs. The constant positive impression of your brand, without selling hard, will encourage people to Google you as well – so look out for an increase in organic Google search traffic.

6. Know the cost of your advertising.

Keeping track of your advertising costs seems simple, but many overlook. Here’s a good rule of thumb for what you should be spending and how much per impressions:

$6 for 1,000 impressions (1st quarter)
$6.50 for 1,000 impressions (2/3rd quarter)
$8 for 1k impressions (4th quarter)

You can calculate how many impressions you’ll get with the size of your cold and warm audiences.

Original post: 6 Tips for Marketing on Facebook

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7 Effective Video SEO Tips to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

7 Effective Video SEO Tips to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

When working on your search engine rankings, using videos as part of your overall marketing plan should no longer be an afterthought.

If you want to drive more traffic to your site and promote your brand, quality video content is the way to go.

Brian Dean of Backlinko mentions that in the process of creating videos for your business, you should pay attention to YouTube SEO.

Why YouTube?

YouTube is now the second largest search engine (next to Google) where more than 3 billion hours of videos are watched per month. It also has over 1 billion unique monthly visitors.

Just in case you didn’t know, nearly 5 million YouTube videos are being watched daily.

YouTube videos now reach more people aged 18-49 years old than television networks.

In this blog post, you’ll discover 7 highly effective video SEO tips (with YouTube in mind) to positively impact your brand’s ranking.

1. Do YouTube keyword research

Similar to creating any piece of written content for your website, you should perform keyword research before making videos.

Brian Dean suggests that the simplest way for you to do this is to check if your chosen keywords have YouTube results.

As a rule, Google display video results that involve how-to reviews, tutorials, and anything that’s funny or related to sports and fitness.

You can also directly visit YouTube. Enter your preferred keywords and check for YouTube’s auto-suggestions.
Do YouTube Keyword Research for video SEO tips

At the same time, work with Google Trends to discover the search volume for your potential keywords over time.

Google Trends for video SEO tips

This way, you’ll know whether or not people are interested in your video content ideas.

If you’re a beginner and your YouTube channel doesn’t have many subscribers, then I would recommend targeting low-competitive keywords. This way, you can drive high-quality traffic to your videos. For a useful free keyword research tool, I suggest

keyword tool for video SEO tips

2. Know your audience

This tip may sound like a no-brainer but this must be a part of your video planning process.

For you to capture your target audience’s attention, it pays to know what they are interested in.

According to Entrepreneur, you should find out what makes your audience tick.

It would help to put yourself in the shoes of your audience.

Ask, “How can I benefit from this brand’s video? Will I learn something new and interesting?”

You can do market research on your own without having to spend money. Here are a few tips:

  • Interview people face-to-face or via your brand’s Facebook page.
  • Conduct online surveys.
  • Use Google search to gather more audience information from free, credible sources.

3. Optimize your video title

Treat the title of your YouTube video similar to how you treat the headlines for your blog posts.

Since people notice video titles first, make sure to fulfill your promise.

This means that you should not trick your audience into watching a video that is totally different from the title. If you do this, your ranking will suffer over time.

There should be at least 5 words for your video title.

Aside from optimizing the number of words for your title, do not forget to incorporate those keywords you’ve researched in tip #1.

To make your videos rank higher, it’s better to make your keywords the beginning words for your title. Here’s an example:

Optimize Your Video Title for video SEO tips

4. Optimize tour video description

When writing a video description, be sure to describe in a clear manner what the video is all about.

People are not the only ones to rely on your descriptions in order to get an overview of your video content. Search engines, notably YouTube and Google, will index them too.

Place a link to your site in the upper part of your description. This helps your site get ranked too in addition to driving more traffic to it.

Your video description should have a length of at least 250 words.

Add your researched keywords to your video description but be careful not to use them excessively. A frequency of 3 to 4 times would be best.

Optimize Your Video Description for video SEO tips

Even with your keywords in place, always remember to write your descriptions in a natural way. A description that sounds forced decreases the credibility of your video content.

5. Feature a good video thumbnail

Another element that your viewers will first notice (aside from your video title) is your video thumbnail. Your video thumbnails give people a glimpse or snapshot of your videos.

Use a thumbnail that would best represent your video.

YouTube automatically provides you with 3 thumbnails to choose from after you have uploaded your video.

If your YouTube account is verified and has a good record, you’ll be able to upload a custom image.

You will find this special option beneath YouTube’s 3 auto-generated thumbnails for your video.

Feature a Good Video Thumbnail for video SEO tips

Being able to upload a custom thumbnail gives you a better chance of featuring a snapshot that entices people. This will help you gain more clicks.

Again, select a custom thumbnail that speaks best for your video.

Follow these methods for your custom thumbnails:

  • Choose a perfect still from your YouTube video.
  • Add text which people can easily read. Aside from your title, this helps them know the topic of your video. You can use a great photo editing application for this like PicMonkey.
  • Go ahead and upload custom thumbnails for your past videos as soon as you’re able to.

YouTube recommends a thumbnail resolution of 1280×720 pixels.

6. Add appropriate tags to your video

If you are wondering what tags are, they are keywords which you add to your video after uploading it.

When people enter keywords in a search engine to look for video content, tagging your video allows it to become more visible in search results.

Add Appropriate Tags to Your Video for video SEO tips

Like other elements of your video (title, description, thumbnail) your tags must be relevant to your content. Relevant and specific tags help you rank better.

7. Promote and get more views for your videos

Now it is time for your YouTube videos to get more views. Having more views further improves your rankings.

The good news is that there are plenty of easy ways for you to do this. Here’s five of them:

  • Incorporate your videos in your blog posts. This is also a smart way to add more value to your content.
  • A practical way to promote your video content is to reach out to your friends, existing customers, and social media fans and ask them to share it!
  • Link to your video content while answering a question on a Q&A website such as Quora. Your video should be highly relevant to the question you’re answering. Start by running a search on the topic of your video.
  • Don’t be shy about including a call to action in your video description, asking people to like and share it.
  • Embed videos in your emails for your subscribers. However, take note that not all email services allow you to embed videos. If this is the case, you can place a video thumbnail in your message and link it to your YouTube video.


These YouTube SEO tips will help you get started in making those compelling videos that will rank well in no time.

Remember to add appropriate and relevant titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails for all your videos.

Make sure to create video content that resonates with your audience. A great way to accomplish this is to first perform your own market research.

Most of all, do your best to publicize your videos by taking advantage of social networking sites, using your email list, and more.

If you have more video SEO tips to share, please comment below

Guest author: Kanti Kashyap is a blogger and founder of She has contributed to many websites/blogs related to SEO, social media and Internet marketing. She is extremely passionate about spreading knowledge among people through blogging. You can join her on LinkedIn.

The post 7 Effective Video SEO Tips to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.

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13 Reasons Why You Should Consider Text-Based Marketing

The urgency and intimacy of text-based marketing make it attractive to businesses. But it’s those same qualities that make SMS communication from a brand especially risky.

However, when done strategically, respectfully, and in a contextually relevant way, Ardath Albee, CEO of Marketing  Interactions Inc., says the profitable benefits of SMS marketing easily supersede the most common pitfalls of this unique channel.

SMS marketing benefits easily supersede the pitfalls, says @Ardath421. #intelcontent
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She presented on the topic at the Intelligent Content Conference this year, Automation Isn’t Just for Email: Why Messaging Can Be the Conversation that Counts.

Before acknowledging and addressing the sometimes disastrous risks of SMS (short message service) and MMS (multimedia messaging service) marketing, Ardath shares 13 reasons the medium can (and often does) outperform other channels and automated tactics.

1. Personal devices are more personal than ever

“People are looking at their smartphones out of boredom,” Ardath points out. Nearly a third of millennials globally check their phone screen at least once every five minutes without being prompted by an alert or notification, according to KPMG’s 2017 Me, My Life, My Wallet Report.

2. Texting is the most-used mobile device feature

The only thing more personal than the phone itself is the standard messaging app, where users spend more time than anywhere else on their device. Ninety-seven percent of all smartphone users text their contacts at least weekly.

3. 85% of mobile device users prefer a text from businesses over phone calls or emails

Turns out, when given the choice, customers would rather engage via SMS messaging than by way of voice or email — a surprising fact given what many marketers expect.

85% of mobile users prefer SMS messages over emails or calls from businesses via @ATT #research.
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4. B2B brands hesitate to integrate texting, creating a low-competition vacuum of opportunity

Ardath explains that your business clients are individual consumers who receive text marketing from B2C brands during off hours (think puppy food, car insurance, or local restaurant deals). Why, then, wouldn’t they expect professional vendors to target them with productivity tools or services throughout the workday?

5. Users don’t need to download a new app or learn to navigate a new interface

These days, each new channel comes with a learning curve for both brand and user. Texting doesn’t require any new skills.

6. Users don’t even need a smartphone or internet access

Whether by choice or necessity, some people carry simpler mobile phones. They don’t (or can’t) consume web-based data when away from Wi-Fi. They can’t consume infographics, streaming audio, social updates, and blog posts, but they can receive your texts.

7. Text messaging can be used at every stage of the buyer’s journey

To visualize this, Ardath encourages marketers to think about mobile messaging from different perspectives – marketing, sales, service, etc. “You could use text messaging to engage at every stage of the buying process, which becomes more and more important when we’re challenged to create better and better customer experiences across our entire customer relationships,” she says.

8. Texts are interactive

Users opt in to initiate the conversations. Then, keywords keep the interaction dynamic. Receiving a text, opening it, and considering a response puts users in an active role.

9. SMS marketing is one to one

Often, marketers time campaigns in hopes of serving audiences right around the time they need that touch. With text messaging, the customer decides when to interact. This takes all guesswork out of the “right people at the right time with the right content through the right channel” formula.

With text messaging, the customer decides when to interact, says @Ardath421. #intelcontent
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10. Text exchanges provide customer insights for contextual relevance

Relevance is both the most valuable factor in automated marketing and the hardest to determine. Texting with a customer exposes context clearly and accurately on demand. When a person replies “ROI” in the scenario below, for example, you know what information they want and that they want it immediately.

11. User behavior shows customers desire text support

Want proof SMS marketing is something customers want? Quiq’s 2017 research shows the majority of users would pay more for a product or service that comes with text support, and feel more positive toward brands that offer mobile messaging. Nearly half the respondents said they would even choose one product over another based on the availability of text messaging.

Nearly 50% respondents would choose 1 product over another based on availability of text messaging. @goquiq
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12. SMS marketing can prepare your team for chatbots

It’s nearly impossible to know what a chatbot can (and can’t) do for your content marketing without some early experimentation. Thankfully, the automation of mobile messaging can provide that.

13. Open and click-through rates outperform email

“In every research report that you see for marketing, email is the No. 1 most effective channel for most marketers,” Ardath says. “But look at the average open and click-through rates. This is the best channel we’ve got, and we’re getting 6 percent click-through?”

Compare that with SMS marketing, and you’ll have a new standard, says Ardath. “Sustainably, over time, what you find is a nearly perfect open rate for a text message,” she says. “And most of the response is in less than 5 minutes, where email could take 90 minutes, five days, five months, or whenever (customers) find you in the bottom of their inbox.”

SMS #marketing open rates = 97% and CTR = 36%, says @Ardath421. #intelcontent
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Cumulatively, these potential benefits pose an inherently tempting opportunity for enterprise marketers. However, Ardath warns against a haphazard approach to SMS marketing.

Why text marketing is known as a minefield (and why it doesn’t have to be)

Arbitrarily trying to implement a mobile messaging program can result in disaster. Even a well-thought-out exchange can go awry.

The most obvious pitfall is legal non-compliance. The good news is a simple participation agreement is all you need to gain permission to text. “The Telephone Consumer Protection Act has a bunch of regulations, and you have to be in compliance,” Ardath says. “Here’s the deal: Users have to opt in.”

A simple participation agreement is all you need to gain permission to text, says @Ardath421. #intelcontent
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Instead of seeing the opt-in requirement as a chore, consider it an opportunity for further qualifying your leads. An example of this could be a VIP offer for executives only.

The individual opts in by responding to the message on the left, disclosing his or her professional role and desires, as well as accepting the expectations this brand has set: type of content, frequency of delivery, and how to opt out or access assistance.

Another pitfall to avoid is a poorly planned route through transactions. “Last month I was in Scottsdale, and when I got to the Fairmont to check in, my room wasn’t ready,” Ardath recalls. The front desk offered to text Ardath when her room was ready, a convenience she appreciated. Eventually, she checked into her room, delighted with the amenities and decor.

“So they send me another text, just checking in, they want to know how my stay is going so far. They’re doing their Net Promoter Score™ thing, please rate them 1 to 10, and have a great day,” she says. “I am happy. I just had breakfast, things are going well, and I say, ‘10, yeah, I’m a happy camper.’” The Fairmont immediately replies, asking her to rate her stay on TripAdvisor.

“Now here’s the deal,” Ardath explains, “I just checked in. I’ve got three more days for them to screw it up. And not only that, but they want to interrupt my stay to go out to TripAdvisor and post a review?”

The hotel blew the opportunity to serve a guest by flipping the conversation and asking for a favor that at the time the user was unlikely to do. “Context is really important, especially when you’re interacting through someone’s smartphone,” Ardath says. “They’re expecting more from you.”

In addition to being customer-initiated, two-way exchanges, the key differences between SMS marketing and other marketing automation tools are that they rely on clear keywords and they afford the ability for a human to step in at any time.

As Mark Zuckerberg has said, “You should be able to message a business like you message a friend.”

What he did not say is that businesses should have access to you the way your friends have access to you. To ensure that your SMS marketing is as successful as a trusted friend’s communication, use it to serve your customer first, not your brand.

Playing through many potential scenarios and readying responses before administering your text-marketing program is the only way to prioritize your audience’s needs over your business goals.

SMS marketing, when done correctly, positions your brand as that friendly, useful, even human helper. When used well, these text exchanges put users back in control of the conversation so brands can improve, and, ultimately, serve.

Here’s an excerpt from Ardath’s talk:

Join content tech trailblazers at ContentTECH in 2019 to learn more about how marketing tools can enhance and scale customer conversations. To be among the first to learn the event details, register here. 

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

The post 13 Reasons Why You Should Consider Text-Based Marketing appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

13 of The Easiest Ways to Increase Sales on Instagram Right Now

9 of The Easiest Ways to Increase Sales on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most widely used social media platforms, and therefore an excellent marketing channel. That’s why even a casual glance at its accounts will reveal lots of big brands.

Its unique photo-sharing platform offers brands one-of-a-kind opportunities to gain visibility and engage in dialogue with their customers.

It’s highly likely you’re already doing your best to market your business through Instagram. Here are nine of the easiest (and most effective) ways to increase your sales on Instagram and optimize your content.

#1: Only post compelling images

Instagram is a visual platform. So first and foremost, you should only post high-quality images.

Ideally, your images will be creative and eye-catching, and appropriately highlight the products you wish to promote. Once your customers land on your profile, they must be able to recognize your brand immediately.

Check out some of the images posted by Taco Bell below. As you can see, they’re playful and colourful, and fit organically into their overall branding.

Ensure that every image you post on Instagram matches your overall branding and business strategy to lend them that authentic brand feeling. If your branding is sleek and minimalist, it should be sleek and minimalist on Instagram.

Pick an aesthetic and stick to it. This extends to Instagram captions. Do not switch between different tenses and tones of voice. Keep it simple. Consistency is key.

While original images are always best, sometimes stock images can help add some variety to your account. There are many different royalty-free image websites where you can source amazing high-quality photos. Better yet, web tools like Canva allow you to create custom images to promote discounts, giveaways or contests.

Remember, visual representation of your brand online may be the first experience your customers have with it, so make sure it’s great.

#2: Invest in Instagram ads

Advertising on Instagram can help you reach a new and targeted audience. It’s a worthwhile investment, especially if your brand or business is fairly new.

You can plan out your Instagram ads in such a way that you reach the customers who are most likely to be interested in your products. That’s exactly what InflowStyle did with their Instagram ads.

The fashion-forward activewear brand started an advertising campaign on Instagram that targeted women aged 25 to 34 in America. InflowStyle’s ads included lifestyle photos with light tones and a ‘Shop Now’ button that took users to a product or category page on their website.

During this campaign, InflowStyle experienced a five-fold increase in sales. Their cost per conversion also decreased by 80%, while their return on ad spend increased six-fold.

The lesson to be learnt from this is that finding a successful strategy on Instagram can be a catalyst for your business. For a long time, the issue with Instagram marketing was that you couldn’t put clickable links in your post, therefore brands had to direct their fans to the link in their bio instead – and continuously update that link.

But now, you can include links to your website in Instagram posts – if you advertise.

Instagram is also now partnering with Shopify to take things a step further and offer product tagging to provide a seamless customer checkout experience.

#3: Run Instagram retargeting campaigns

To further improve the effectiveness of your Instagram ads, use retargeting to engage people who’ve already visited your website – in other words, consumers who’ve already expressed a level of interest in what your brand provides.

Retargeting is essentially advertising that specifically targets website visitors who leave without making a purchase. It was originally rolled out on Facebook in 2015 before being added to Instagram’s ad tech arsenal in 2016.

As described by Instagram:

Dynamic ads on Instagram let you promote the right products to the right person at the right time. When someone visits your website or mobile app, then later looks at Instagram, they’ll be served an ad featuring multiple, related products from ones they were browsing on your site or app.”

For M.Gemi, this proved to be a huge success. In fact, their Instagram campaign was considerably more successful than their campaigns on other social media platforms, despite targeting identical audiences.

Instagram yielded twice as many conversions as other channels for M.Gemi with 25% of their total sales coming from Instagram. Their cost per acquisition was also three times lower than other channels.

You can focus on one specific product when retargeting, or use its carousel format to highlight similar items to help nudge customers in the right direction.

To get started, simply download the Facebook Pixel and upload your entire product catalog into Business Manager. The ads will then be automatically triggered based on the products viewed on your site and the uploaded product images, with Facebook’s backend system determining the most relevant content based on how you’ve categorized your ads.

#4: Make friends with influencers

Influencers are Instagram personalities who already have an established audience. Their followers look to them for purchase recommendations and advice, so it should come as no surprise that increasingly brands are turning to influencers to promote their products.

As a visual platform, Instagram offers the perfect avenue to engage your target audience using the help of influencers. A good Instagram influencer marketing strategy can help you get high traffic and more engagement, which ultimately brings higher returns/conversions.

To increase the number of sales generated by influencer content, provide influencers with a discount code or promo link. If you intend to use multiple influencers to promote your products, assign each a unique code or link so you can track their individual conversions.

For example, Glossier promotes their products using beauty influencers on Instagram. As you can see in the screenshot below, micro-influencer Grace Abbott has provided a unique promo link for their products. By following the link, her followers can get 20% off on their first order from Glossier – and Glossier can see how much Grace Abbott is worth to their brand down to the last dollar.

Instagram influencer marketing is also a great way to boost your search engine ranking because it literally gets more people talking about your brand. Studies have revealed that in comparison with paid advertising, customers generated through word-of-mouth advertising have a 37% higher retention rate.

#5: Show your products in action

Although high-quality images of your products may grab people’s attention, they may not always be enough to drive sales alone.

For your Instagram content to have a real impact, showcase the experience of actually using your products. Tell a story through your Instagram content using photos and videos that show your products in action.

For example, if you’re selling a particular ingredient, you can post images of dishes that can be made with the ingredient. Include the recipe in the caption, and perhaps describe the perfect occasion in which to enjoy the dish.

Alternatively, if you’re selling clothes, you can show people wearing the clothes in different contexts. Include a caption that describes the experience of wearing the clothes or evokes the texture of the fabric.

GoPro does an excellent job of showcasing their product in action. All of their Instagram posts are photos and videos taken using their camera.

Put your products in motion by showing people the ways people love and enjoy them, and helping them understand how they too can use and take joy in them.

#6: Be subtle with influencer marketing

Consumers don’t like being overtly sold to. So even when you use an influencer to promote your product, the content shouldn’t be too ‘sales-y’. That means it should be interesting and attractive, but compatible with the influencer’s usual content.

Otherwise, the content could seem overly promotional and insincere, which could negatively impact how the influencer’s followers feel about your brand.

Before you start the influencer outreach process, make sure you’ve defined what it is you’re trying to get out of it.

Is it to:

  1. communicate a specific message
  2. increase exposure and awareness
  3. support your content marketing activities
  4. drive traffic to your website and generate more sales
  5. all of the above?

Whatever your aim, the goal is never to get an influencer to post something that looks like an obvious brand push.

Engage only influencers who fit within your brand and ensure you have carefully outlined your deliverables.

In the post above, the content marketing is in line with the influencer’s usual lifestyle-focussed posts. The focus is on food, in this case, a salad. The headphones are cleverly placed nearby, with a caption that mentions how they’re excellent for blocking out noise whilst studying.

The post is about the headphones, but it isn’t immediately apparent that that’s the case. It seems like a product recommendation, not a product push.

#7: Embrace user-generated content

User-generated content is another form of word-of-mouth advertising. Your existing customers help create content that showcases your product. This in turn helps promote your product or service to the new customers or their followers.

What could be easier, right?

However, some customers may not readily share images of your product without your encouragement. To encourage them, you will need to offer a reward or incentive, such as a chance to win something if they post photos featuring your product or hashtag.

For example, you could offer a chance to be featured on your official Instagram account, or a chance to win freebies or gift cards. Make sure you encourage them to use that branded hashtag to help you track the effectiveness of your efforts.

The Melt regularly reposts photos taken by their patrons. As you can see in the screenshot below, they always appropriately credit the user in the photo, and add funny captions that their followers can relate to.

Celebrate your existing customers. Think of content from them as a kind of living social proof for prospective customers who still have doubts about buying from you.

As a bonus, featuring user-generated content is an excellent way to show your customers how much you appreciate them.

#8: Ask for honest reviews from influencers

People trust influencers because they’re like everyday consumers. So their opinions and advice seem more genuine than a random celebrity endorsing your product.

Brands who work with influencers do so mainly because they want to engage the trust of their target audience.

A good way to do this is to ask the influencer to be honest in their reviews, even if they find some negative aspects to your products. When an influencer honestly shares some of the features they don’t like, their positive feedback about other features seems markably more genuine.

Customers know that every product has some pros and cons. So invite your influencer to post ‘warts and all’ reviews to help you win the trust of your target audience.

Beauty influencer Adri regularly posts honest reviews about her experiences using certain beauty products. She talks about the results she gets from each product, as well as whether or not those results are in tune with the product claims.

In the screenshot below, she mentions that her experience using a certain product has overall been positive. But she doesn’t hesitate to mention that the product fails to live up to the claim that it reduces pores after 28 days.

Is it still a good outcome for the brand? Yes. Because she lists enough positive ‘pros’ for the product to outweigh the negative ‘cons’, and gives it an overall score of 9/10. Her honest appraisal both maintains her credibility and increases fans for the brand.

#9: Be witty and relatable

Humor goes a long way in engaging an audience. To increase sales, try to implement witty puns and relatable humor into your Instagram posts. The goal is to improve people’s perception of your brand. And you already know how much positive brand perception can affect sales!

The Honest Company engages their Instagram followers by regularly posting funny, relatable quotes for parents. You can see in the screenshot below how a lot of their fans respond to their humor, and talk about how relatable it is.

The brand also posts fan-submitted photos with witty captions.

If humorous content doesn’t fit with your brand, aim for thought-provoking and inspiring – both recipes for shareability. Instagram is the perfect platform for aspirational posts that are very, very relatable for ordinary people.

#10: Offer discounts or giveaways

Offering discounts or giveaways is one of the most effective ways to boost your sales on Instagram. It’s a cost-effective method to promote your products and increase sales.

Through this method, you can also increase the awareness of your products or services as customers share news about the offer with their friends.

This then increases your engagement rate. Once your Instagram followers engage with your content in some way, you can acknowledge them and offer them a discount.

When you offer giveaways or discounts, it naturally attracts prospects and encourages them to buy your product or services. If your customers love your products or services, they won’t hesitate to talk about your brand and promote it. To reward such loyal customers, you can give them attractive offers such as a VIP discount or a membership to the top tier of your rewards program.

For instance, FatFace, a British clothing brand, offered huge discounts on their clothing line, which they announced on Instagram. Their followers were super excited by the discounts, as the post received more than 6K views.

Example of using discounts on Instagram - FatFace

#11: Leverage Instagram stories

Instagram has released their Instagram Stories feature, through which you can post and share videos and images with your loyal followers. Brands can really take advantage of this feature to boost their sales.

But how can you use it effectively?

Here are a few suggestions that can help you create effective and impactful Instagram Stories. When implemented correctly, these tips can significantly boost your sales:

  • If you have shaky hands, buy a tripod. A tripod will keep your smartphone or camera stable and steady when recording videos and taking photos.
  • Capture and share the brand’s story or journey with your followers in your Instagram Stories.
  • Use your product images to create a video and share it in your Stories. Make sure you use natural lighting.
  • Capture and share the experiences of your customers using your products or services.
  • Take some behind-the-scenes shots and videos, relevant to your product or services, and include them in your Stories.

#12: Use hashtags

To attract customers and boost your sales, even more, you can use hashtags relevant to your services or products. When you use the right combination of hashtags, it becomes easier for your target consumers to find you. This method will increase the awareness of your brand.

But it’s not as easy as it sounds to come up with the right mix of effective hashtags. You need to invest your time and effort into extensive research. Make sure you use a balanced combination of unique and common hashtags on your Instagram posts.

Experiment with different combinations to see which works best for you. Also, if you are working with influencers, ask them to use the same mix of hashtags.

For instance, Lacroix is a sparkling water brand. In the screenshot below, you can see that the brand has used a mix of various hashtags and managed to gain more than 1600 likes.

How to use hashtags on Instagram - Lacroix

Just like this brand, you can also research and use the correct mixture of hashtags to increase your brand’s visibility.

#13: Don’t post pushy or salesy posts

You must keep in mind that Instagram is not a platform meant for selling and buying. People are there not to buy from brands but rather to socialize virtually. So you should post content that is not too pushy or salesy.

If you want to utilize Instagram to sell your products, you have to do it in a creative manner. This means you need to provide prospects valuable, engaging content.

To do so, you can post pictures inspired by real-life situations or share pictures of customers using your product. You can also post photos and videos with tips or recipes including your products.

For instance, My Protein is a fitness brand. Check out their posts on Instagram. They’re not too salesy, but at the same time, they encourage prospects to make a purchase because the pictures they post are from real-life situations.

The post in the screenshot below gained more than 1,000 likes in less than seven days.

How to sell on Instagram - My Protein

You could even take it a step further and work with Instagram influencers. Influencers are known for their ability to promote products in a way that’s convincing without being pushy. So you could try finding relevant influencers in your niche who would speak on your behalf.

In conclusion

Social media is constantly evolving, and Instagram is no exception. The above tips should give you some great ideas on how to increase your sales on Instagram.

As you can see, influencers can make a huge difference to your marketing efforts, and provide even more opportunities to engage with fans and share great photos and videos.

With more than 600 million monthly active users, Instagram is giving brands some great results. It’s a place where people turn their passion into purchases.

Which of these tips will you try first?

Guest Author: Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant who specializes in influencer marketing, product launches, sales funnels, targeted traffic, and website conversions. He has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, influencers with digital products, and a number of A-List celebrities. Follow him on Instagram, FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.

The post 13 of The Easiest Ways to Increase Sales on Instagram Right Now appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.

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