Wednesday, September 26, 2018

3 Successful Entrepreneurs Every Blogger Needs To Start Following Today

3 Successful Entrepreneurs Every Blogger Needs To Start Following Today

If you want to master the art of blogging, creating amazing content, and actually building a profitable brand online, it’s best to learn from others who have already made it.

Learning from bloggers, entrepreneurs, and experts that have been there and done the things you want to do is a sure fire way to accelerate your journey to success.

Of course, there are so many potential experts you can follow, and only so many hours in the day. How do you cut through the noise and pick the cream of the crop?

This article will feature three of the best of the best. If you follow only three entrepreneurs as a manner of accelerating your path to blogging success, make it these three individuals.

Let’s get started!

#1. Russell Ruffino

Russell Ruffino - Successful Entrepreneurs

For many bloggers and entrepreneurs, the dream is to start a successful business and eventually become an authority in your space. It’s a whole other level when you get to the point where you are already an expert, but also coaching other successful business owners and entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses to that next level.

That is exactly where you can place Russell Ruffino, as he is not only the Founder and CEO of Clients on Demand but also a coach to numerous consultants, thought-leaders and service pros around the world. All of his useful tips, recommendations and guidance can be found on his site. One of his most recent resources is titled “High-Ticket Buyers & Where To Find Them” – which is something many site owners and brands continue to struggle with.

In this recent interview with Russell he talks about the importance of growing a business while also adapting to the coming technological changes and advances. The takeaway here is that if you aren’t changing your business model and marketing methods in your industry, there is a good chance your competition will soon find their way exceeding past yours. This is something no one wants.

In fact, there are actually quite a few articles out there already on how to market and grow your existing business through the use of the same methods that worked for Russell in previous years.

#2. Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary V - Successful Entrepreneurs

Sure, we’ve all heard of Gary Vaynerchuk and have probably even shared a video or article of his on social media. Even with his name being tossed around and seen all over the place, I thought it was still important to include him on this list today simply because of the passion, innovation, and demanding calls to action that he includes within every video he creates.

This is especially true if you are already following him on social media, on the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Even better, most of his videos are now in the 1-3 minute range, which leads way to a powerful message, but also not losing your interest in the process. Not only is Gary very passionate and loyal to his following he’s also created his own platform to connect with his most loyal users through his 1st In Line application.

Gary is an interesting person to keep an eye on because he is always actively looking for what’s next. If you thought it was crazy and rare to see Vaynerchuk launching a K-SWISS shoe of his own, you might also be surprised to find he’s not only been getting active in the world of sports but also with sports cards as well! It’s not always just about business for Gary, it’s also about his personal interests and passions as well – which is the way it should be.

Even when you think Gary might be jumping into a niche market or industry that doesn’t make sense, he is known for continually scaling the unscalable.

Love him, or hate him… Gary Vaynerchuk is someone to always keep an eye on.

#3. Syed Balkhi

Syed Balkhi - Successful Entrepreneurs

How many times do you visit a website and see a popup window asking for your email to join their list? Even better yet, are you currently running these same types of calls to action and newsletter subscription methods on your own site?

If you are, there is a good chance they were created or inspired by my good friend Syed Balkhi, who is also the co-founder of OptinMonster – one of the leading popup and lead generation software solutions on the internet today.

However, to look at Syed and just say he got lucky with his OptinMonster solution would be a huge mistake. You can actually listen to his complete story here, but in short – he’s one of the smartest people I know and has had a ton of success in business both online and offline.

To stay updated with everything Syed is currently working on, you can follow his blog, and also take a look at one of his largest content and viral marketing sites at, which now has over 2.4 million subscribers on YouTube!

How to build your own successful blog, brand, and business

Having been in the industry for more than 20 years now, I’ve seen a lot of people come and go. Actually, I’ve seen a lot of businesses and brands come and go as well.

The reason for so many losses in the industry is mainly due to the fact that people get lazy or complacent with where they currently are. With such an affordable gateway of entry for making money online or even starting a new business, there is simply no room for this.

Be sure to always focus on your online brand, and treat it like a real business. At the same time, keep an eye on your competition and continue to follow experts in your industry and niche market that continue to find success and evolve our world in the process!

Guest author: Zac Johnson is a world-renowned blogger and entrepreneur with nearly 20 years of experience in the online marketing space and has helped his readers generate millions of dollars online. He shares his story and guidance at

The post 3 Successful Entrepreneurs Every Blogger Needs To Start Following Today appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.

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