Sunday, July 31, 2016

When Content Backfires: How to Handle Negative Feedback Online


As your followers and traffic grow, so does the potential for ruthless people to emerge.

Sometimes they have good reason.

Sometimes they’re just trolls who want to squash your content into jelly.

No matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to keep an audience happy. Your comments section and social media are the go-to destinations for disgruntled people.

Once those complaints live on the web, they’re not likely to disappear unless you take the shady route (hiding and deleting them is not recommended … I’ll get to that shortly).

It’s not the presence of the complaints, debates, or negative responses that matters; what matters is what you do once those comments roll in.

Develop process and policy

You need a professional approach to managing the community around your content. That means creating a policy and process for handling feedback — all types, not just the negative stuff. It should also go beyond your blog comments to include things such as Facebook engagement and other social platforms you use.

You need a professional approach to managing the community around your #content says @IAmAaronAgius
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Most feedback needs to be passed along to the proper people, taken into consideration, and responded to. When urgent matters pop up, you don’t want to scramble to figure out how to respond.

You want documentation that states who handles what type of feedback, and who is accountable for generating the response and continuing the engagement with the individual. You also want response times clearly defined. This makes the process run much more smoothly.

Set parameters for your commenters

An audience-facing policy also needs to be created that sets boundaries for your readers. This lets them know what is acceptable, what kinds of activity earn them a boot, and how you handle comments. It’s a good way to prevent problematic behavior from showing up.

Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Marketing, offers these guidelines to manage expectations of how he handles the comment section of his blog. Readers are put on notice of what’s acceptable and what’s not.


Tim Ferriss, author of the 4-Hour Workweek takes a humorous approach in the comment policy for his site:

Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be – cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation!

Smart businesses that publish highly trafficked content take a similar approach with comment policies. Check out this policy from Mayo Clinic:

We encourage your comments on Mayo Clinic’s various blogs, and hope you will join the discussions. We can’t respond to every comment, particularly those that deal with individual medical cases and issues. We review comments before they’re posted, and those that are off-topic or clearly promoting a commercial product generally won’t make the cut. We also expect a basic level of civility; disagreements are fine, but mutual respect is a must, and profanity or abusive language are out-of-bounds.

Having a policy is a start, but it’s a simple and passive approach. It might help diminish unwanted behavior, but has a policy ever really stopped an angry or irate reader from leaving a comment?

When they hit submit, you want to be ready with a response that goes beyond simply deleting comments.

Classify negative feedback

Negative feedback can take a lot of forms. Not all negative feedback is the same, and not every negative commenter is out to destroy your reputation.

Simply Measured established a few distinct types of feedback, which I’ve tweaked to reflect what I’ve experienced:

  • Bluster: Blusters are chaotic responses generated from frustrated rambling. The individual is indignant, upset, and frustrated, but they’re not capable of getting a point across. That doesn’t mean they don’t have a point or that they’re a troll; they just can’t accurately convey their issue. At the least, you know they’re upset, so that’s a start. It’ll take some digging to identify their true issue.
  • Pressing: This is a critical feedback point that’s a heads-up of a serious problem. It could be an issue with your fact checking, broken links, formatting and readability, or even a busted opt-in. It’s something you want to act on immediately.
  • Disgruntled: Your nasty audience members are mad as hell over something trivial or something big. They typically tell you (sometimes at length) exactly what the problem is. Rarely can you reason with them.
  • Constructive: This negative feedback comes with good intentions and it’s probably what you’ll see most often from followers. A good example of this is someone letting you know that you missed key points in your content. They’ll usually list what you missed.

They might tell you that something was confusing, or that you contradicted yourself in specific spots. It’s a good opportunity to modify your content and learn from the experience.

Respond to negative feedback

Pore through reputation management tips and books, and you’ll read time and again about how you should publicly respond to every comment, even the negative ones. It’s supposed to paint you and your brand in a positive light because others see how you handle situations.

You should publicly respond to every comment, even the negative ones says @IAmAaronAgius #contentmarketing
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It’s true that you should respond to everything … within reason. Here’s how Nestle engaged commenters in a Facebook post:


Some situations are far beyond mediation, especially when you’re dealing with a disgruntled commenter. You should absolutely respond to pressing and constructive feedback, and work with bluster comments to try to sort out their concerns.

Aim to respond to 90% of the disgruntled comments. If applicable, apologize, or find or offer a solution even if it means just offering to consider their concern in the future.

If it’s an antagonistic comment that in no way contributes to the discussion, then opt out of the conversation.

Comments are an essential engagement element. Just don’t feed the trolls.

Remember, responding to everyone and every comment is not your priority. Your priority is to have patience.

Every comment, no matter how ill-informed or irrational, is an opportunity. The better your response, the more respect you’ll gain from the community overall.

Consider alternative approaches

Dealing with difficult comments can drain energy and be a huge time-suck, especially when you get caught up in a back and forth. Here are some additional strategies for dealing with negative feedback on your content:

1. Comment moderation


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Most content management systems and comment platforms give you the ability to turn on various degrees of comment moderation before a comment goes live.

You can require registration for comments, require individual comment approval, or grant automatic approval for future comments once the respondent’s first comment goes live.

The biggest benefit to moderating comments is that you can catch negative feedback before it goes public. You have the opportunity to respond to the individual privately, provided an email is included.

2. Delete comments

I don’t recommend deleting negative comments and feedback — at least feedback that’s constructive or contributes to the overall discussion.

Disgruntled comments and people trolling are another story, and deleting comments that would be out of bounds might be a good strategy to take. The same goes for comment spam.

3. Ignore ’em

In situations where you’re dealing with a highly aggressive, irrationally angry person it can sometimes be best to just ignore the comment. This is especially true if the individual isn’t looking for any kind of solution and is only interested in attacking you.

If they do have a complaint that you can address, discuss that specific issue and ignore the rest of the ranting and insults. Keep your responses short and don’t engage beyond providing a solution. That will just pull you away, waste time, and could potentially spiral into a worse issue.

4. Take it offline

When you get negative feedback from someone, even constructive criticism, you don’t really know what it could turn into.

Any conversation stemming from negative feedback has a potential to spiral out of control, especially if other commenters jump on board. You may want to consider just responding to people privately through email or through a direct message on social media.

Don’t take it personally

With the volume of content you create, sooner or later you’re likely to rub someone the wrong way or have people disagree with you. Don’t let it impact you personally, and don’t lose sleep over it.

Do your best to listen to feedback on your content, apologize when appropriate, provide a solution if you can, and always remember to thank people — especially when dealing with negative feedback.

How do you deal with negative feedback? Share your approach with me in the comments below. I promise not to delete them.

Want to see how CMI handles comments (and get some great tips and insight on content marketing)? Subscribe to the free daily or weekly newsletter.

Cover image by Viktor Hanacek, picjumbo, via

The post When Content Backfires: How to Handle Negative Feedback Online appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

This Week in Content Marketing: How Brands Could Inherit the Web


PNR: This Old Marketing with Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose can be found on both iTunes and Stitcher.

In this week’s episode of This Old Marketing, Robert and I discuss two major business acquisitions: Yahoo! by Verizon and Dollar Shave Club by Unilever — and ponder their implications to content marketers. Next, we’re excited about the innovative new content marketplace Medium has launched that could become a category killer. Finally, The New York Times’ T Brand Studio has morphed into a full agency, a move that may not bode well for traditional Madison Avenue advertising firms. Rants and raves include an award-winning documentary for an iconic guitar, why your team should create a “stop” list, and why media companies may implode as brands get better at content. This week’s This Old Marketing example: Houghton.

This week’s show

(Recorded live on July 25, 2016; Length: 1:03:36)

Download this week’s PNR This Old Marketing podcast.

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Today’s episode sponsor

  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs is offering a 14-day free trial plus a special 30% discount of their marketing toolset for PNR podcast listeners only. The discount will only be active until September 1, 2016. Go here for more:


1. Content marketing in the news

  • Yahoo sells core business to Verizon for 4.8 billion (9:17): The internet is an unforgiving place for yesterday’s great idea, and Yahoo has now reached the end of the line as an independent company. The board of the Silicon Valley company has agreed to sell Yahoo’s core internet operations and land holdings to Verizon Communications for $4.8 billion. The lesson: Be exceptional at one thing and focus on that. Don’t dabble in lots of things, which was Yahoo’s downfall. The potential (but not likely) upside: Verizon could create an incredible content network from the media brands it has acquired via AOL and Yahoo.
  • Unilever buys Dollar Shave Club for $1 billion (19:30): Dollar Shave Club — which was built on the idea of, well, inexpensive razors — has sold itself to Unilever for an all-cash deal worth $1 billion. Unilever seeks to leverage the data the spunky retailer has acquired about its male audience, as well as its innovative direct-to-consumer business model, explained on the Stratechery blog. Robert and I love the way Dollar Shave Club embraced the role of disruptor, with its subscription-based business model and entertaining YouTube videos. We agree that any company can do this; all it takes is an innovator’s mindset.
  • Medium is launching a creative exchange for writers (26:05): One of Medium’s goals is to help writers and publishers get paid for their work on the popular blogging platform. Accordingly, it has launched The Creative Exchange, a program that seeks to connect creators with brands. Robert and I agree that this is essentially a content studio or agency that is recruiting creative talent from its writing population. This opens up some fascinating opportunities for creatively rewarding top talent, which should give it a significant advantage over existing freelance writer marketplaces.
  • T Brand Studio is now a full-fledged agency (31:44): When The New York Times’ T Brand Studio opened for business two-and-a-half years ago, it sold marketers, including those at Netflix and Cole Haan, on the idea that it could create splashy, multimedia articles that could be taken for Times journalism. It’s now expanding into an agency, with a full array of marketing products and services. The big advantage publisher-owned content studios offer versus traditional media agencies is distribution. Robert and I discuss what this development means to traditional agencies.

2. Sponsor (40:30)

  • Episerver: As a digital marketer, you face both external and internal challenges — from declining organic reach on social to software issues that sap your team’s productivity. At the same time, you’re tasked with managing content that increases lead count, boosts sales, or raises customer loyalty. Four Steps to Simplify Digital Experience, a new guide from Episerver, covers the four fundamental steps of the digital customer experience, and gives hands-on advice on how to work more effectively using Episerver’s CMS and Digital Marketing platform. Each step is accompanied by concrete examples that show you how Episerver helps you simplify the digital experience for your customers. You can download it here:


3. Rants and raves (42:16)

  • Robert’s rave: Robert is a musician. That’s why this article about guitar manufacturer C.F. Martin’s award-winning documentary has him on his feet and cheering. Martin released this 40-minute film in May, titled Ballad of the Dreadnought, in recognition of the 100th anniversary of its influential “dreadnought” guitar shape. Since then, it has been shown at six film festivals and has accumulated over 30,000 online views. It’s a wonderful documentary — but for some reason it hasn’t been promoted online very well, which Robert finds rather frustrating.


Image source

  • Joe’s rant and rave: I love Robert’s column in this week’s CMI content strategy newsletter, which explains why every content and marketing team needs a “stopping” list. This is often harder than it sounds.

    I also have a minor rant: This New York Times article explains how brands are increasingly using native advertising and sponsored content as “gateway drugs” to get into content advertising. But as they get better at the latter, they don’t really need media companies to distribute their messages. I predict this may cause media companies to implode and that brands will eventually inherit the web.

4. This Old Marketing example of the week (51:56)

  • Houghton: Houghton International was a chemical, oil, and lubricant company that was founded in 1865. Its first commercial product, launched in 1867, was a rust preventative. Starting in 1908, the company produced a customer-focused magazine called the Houghton Line. Its initial audience was Houghton agents, but readership grew so fast that it was expanded for distribution to customers and prospects. When it was retired in 2008, on its 100th anniversary, Houghton said it had become the longest-running industrial publication in history. In 2015, the Houghton Line was resurrected for a one-time issue to celebrate the company’s 150th anniversary. It contains a collection of material from past issues, including wise and witty quotations, social and political commentary, letters to the editor, a Prohibition-era short story, and much more. The Houghton Line is an outstanding example of This Old Marketing.


For a full list of PNR archives, go to the main This Old Marketing page.

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

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The post This Week in Content Marketing: How Brands Could Inherit the Web appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Friday, July 29, 2016

6 Great Ways to Boost Likes & Shares for Your Posts

Are your posts valuable and relevant for your readers? Do you want to get more likes and shares for your content? Generating leads is among the most important objectives of any blogger or online business. Social media is an effective tool to gain more visibility as well as a larger number of followers and traffic.

How should you use social networks to achieve a higher visibility and more fans? The bigger the number of followers is the higher your reach will be. You must apply some tactics to increase this important metric. We have gathered several great ways to help you obtain more likes and shares in the digital environment.

1. Choose The Right Social Media Networks to Promote Your Posts

Before actually starting a business or a blog, you should closely look at your target market. Who are your clients or followers? What are their needs, desires, and pain points? Use this information to create your buyer persona (the profile of your ideal customer). Your potential fans might not be on all social networks. This is why you have to create accounts on those that are truly relevant to what you have to offer.

For example, to reach the masses, Facebook is a good choice. When you have a lot of visuals and images, the best choice is to use Instagram. If you want to promote yourself as a professional, LinkedIn is the right pick for you. So on, and so forth. You don’t have to be present on all the existing websites. As a matter of fact, this would only dilute your efforts.

Focus on a combination of two or four networks. Choose those that are best suited for your social media needs and also keep their relevance in mind for your subjects or activity domain. At first, you can try several platforms, and discover where your potential customers are spending most of their time. You can do this by using the Google Analytics suite.

Besides web metrics, how else can you find where your buyers spend their time? Well, you can also ask them directly, by running a small and concise survey. Another useful method is to take a glance at what your competitors are doing. If you are targeting a small niche, check if your domain is active on the networks you want to create accounts.

2. Optimization Is Crucial

After you have chosen the right social media mix to promote your posts, you should consider optimizing your content and your profiles. You can even connect all the accounts. For example, if you create a text post for your Facebook account, try to adjust it to be utilized for other profiles as well. You can transform it into a short video and upload it to YouTube.

Optimization should be taken into consideration for all the aspects of your content, starting with the title and ending with images. If you want to build a brand, try finding your voice. Be unique and original. While it is recommended to look for inspiration, you should never copy. The digital environment is full of useless and duplicate content. Maintain your focus. Think about your goals. What do you exactly want to obtain by promoting these specific posts?

Keywords should not be an afterthought, as they will dictate the general direction of your content. Spend as much time as needed to identify relevant long-tail keywords & optimize your content for them.

3. Create Engaging Content

Add images or videos to your posts. Make them look appealing. Also, you can use specific programs such as SumoMe to add sharing buttons directly on your visual. When a user hovers over your post’s images, he/she will be able to share it on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media networks, thus increasing your number of likes and shares.

You can also add a visible “share” button under each image or video. As long as you make your content user-friendly, followers will be more likely to share it on social media. Engaging content shows realistic and natural things. Instead of using the picture of some models to represent your team, take some real pictures of them. This way, you will become more trustworthy in the eyes of the users.

4. Diversify and Re-Share Content

First and foremost, your content should always be very relevant and valuable to your target audience. When you post a variety of content, you make sure that your social media profiles are always updated and offer fresh reading materials for your followers. Keep your audience engaged at all times. Otherwise, they will become less interested in what you have to offer.

Attract your clients by posting all types of content, from informational to promotional. Make sure, however, to apply the golden rule- the 80/20 method. This means you should post only 20 percent promotional content. The rest should be helpful and valuable for your target market. Creating loyalty among your clients is more important that just to attract short-term website traffic.

You can make a schedule of your posts. By sharing it several times on your social media profiles, you will increase the number of people that sees your content. You can use several online platforms that help you make a proper publishing schedule. They offer features such as planning which content to be distributed, on which networks, and the exact time to do this.

5. Test Different Titles

Titles are imperative for both SEO and user experience. Take the time to craft engaging and intriguing titles. A way to do to this is by applying the A/B testing method. The title can determine whether the post will be opened or not. Also, it will play an important role in the number of likes and shares you will get. For example, “How to” titles have great audience exposure.

Compelling titles should encourage readers to click on the post. You can see how good is your titles by using some specific web tools. Most of them are free of charge. This element of your post is the first one that the users see so make it a great one.

You also have to think about where you will post the content. The titles should be optimized accordingly. For example, Twitter titles are shorter than those posted on other social media networks. So, what’s in a title? Well, a big part of your effective writing and optimization.

6. Insert Valuable Links and Opinions

By using high-quality resources, you will raise your posts’ overall value. For example, you can interview experts or influencers in your industry. This will increase your credibility. When you mention someone relevant for your users, they will be more willing to share the posts, and promote it on their social media accounts.

This is a great method to attract new followers as well as increasing your visibility and awareness. Cross promotion is another wise way to obtain the goals previously mentioned. You should post your content everywhere, as long as it is a place where your potential clients are. Link building is a powerful tool, so use it wisely.

Let’s Recap

Great and relevant content will increase your visibility. Besides this, there are also other several factors you should consider when you want to attract more leads, likes and shares. Building a higher reach requires time, so be patient and unwavering.

Using these strategies will make your audience show more interest in reading and sharing your content on social media networks. If you keep applying them, the results will show up eventually. You can also experiment with different methods, to see which one works best for you.

Author Bio: Michelle Baker is freelance writer & mother of two. She worked as a customer care representative for several ISP companies in the past. Her personal experience in the industry & tech-savvy nature have helped her write unbiased ISP reviews for BroadBandSearch, as well as blogging & marketing guides for various online publications.

Original post: 6 Great Ways to Boost Likes & Shares for Your Posts

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How to Tell If Your Content Marketing Is Working: Tips From 22 Experts


When asked how do you prove content marketing is working, the responding Content Marketing World presenters almost unanimously agreed that the first step is to detail the “why” behind your program.

“Without goals, you will have no way to know whether what you’re doing works or not,” says Stoney deGeyter, CEO of Pole Position Marketing. “Each goal will have different measurements, and you won’t necessarily hit them right away, but you should start seeing the needle move in that direction.”

Andrea Fryrear, chief content officer at Fox Content, agrees: “Above all, don’t start releasing content until you know what you want to measure, how to get that data, and what you plan to do with it once you’ve got it.”

Jay Baer, author of Hug Your Haters, puts it bluntly. “You are asking the wrong question,” he says. “The goal of content marketing is not to be good at content. The goal of content marketing is to be good at business because of content. For your content to “work,” it must demonstrably support the goals of the company.”

The goal of #contentmarketing is to be good at business because of content says @jaybaer #cmworld
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Keeping in mind that content marketing must start with goals, we offer insight and tips on how to know your content marketing is working from more of the presenters appearing at Content Marketing World this September.

Interestingly, we found some experts who champion “measuring everything,” while others say be concerned about whether your content truly helps people. Now, you can mix and match their advice to tailor the best way to measure whether your content marketing is working for you and your organization.

Pause, put audience first

Instead of jumping straight to what metrics you want to bump, think bigger. In order for any content to work, you must start with an audience-centric vision. Give your content a clearly defined mission. Now, who will be affected? Will your content change minds? How so? After you fleshed out a “job description” for your content, you’re ready to determine what metrics you’ll use to determine success.

Deana Goldasich, CEO, Well Planned Web, LLC

In order for any #content to work, you must start with an audience-centric vision says @goldasich #cmworld
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Frame answer through your audience

“Is it working?” implies you know the answer to another question: “What is it for?”

If the answer is “to drive leads, sales, subscribers, etc.,” you’re still one step removed from the right answer. The right answer is, “My content is for (insert your audience’s goals).”

For example, at NextView, we invest in early-stage tech startups. Our content is not “for growing email subscribers and winning more startup investment deals.” Those are byproducts of us doing something else well – “helping entrepreneurs gain initial startup traction.” That’s what our content is really for. The more we frame our content like that, the more time we’re forced to get feedback from customers and tweak our work, not like a marketing campaign but like a PRODUCT.

To use two holy examples: Pixar doesn’t say, “This movie is for selling merchandise.” J.K. Rowling didn’t say, “This book is for inking movie deals!” But precisely because they made something for the audience from the start, they get reach and results marketers only dream of seeing.

Jay Acunzo, vice president of platform, NextView Ventures

Take negative view

The questions that I ask: “How can you prove (content marketing) is not working and what would be best alternatives to it?”

It is easy then to see that all other marketing and communication activities are not even close to such deep insights and measurements offered by content marketing and most of them require much bigger budgets.

To make it short, “working” means that content marketing is triggering some sort of change in behavior and that is the ultimate goal.

Primož Inkret, co-founder and partner, PM, Poslovni Mediji

#Contentmarketing is working when it is triggers a change in behavior says @pinkret #cmworld
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Don’t do it piecemeal

The biggest disservice a CMO can do to its team is to set the expectation that each piece of content ought to contribute directly towards the ultimate marketing goal (e.g., drive sales leads, conversions).

Tracking success at the individual blog post level is a sure way to fail, but tracking KPIs at the program level for each stage of the marketing funnel is essential.

Also, pay close attention to relative metrics (are we doing better today than yesterday) and less so to absolute metrics as the latter will always be less reliable and more prone to being challenged.

Pierre-Loic Assayag, CEO and co-founder, Traackr

Understand role of tactics

Remind me, how many millions did you spend on billboards or TV commercials in the last decade again? How do we know they worked? Seriously, it all depends on what our goals are. Are we trying to raise our brand awareness? There are ways to measure that. Are we trying to increase a certain type of conversion? The trick is to determine what that goal is, then find the correct strategy, and measure it. Not all tactics work for all types of goals. And some tactics take longer than others.

Christoph Trappe, senior director of content marketing + content creation, MedTouch

The trick is to determine what your goal is, then find the correct strategy, and measure it says @CTrappe
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Play ball to win

Picture a baseball coach in a meeting with the team’s owners. The coach can talk about how his players have the best batting average in the world all he wants. But if the team never wins a game, it’s time for a new coach. The relationship between marketers and the C-suite is no different.

Marketers have to stop reporting on activities and start reporting on business outcomes. The key is to link top-of-funnel engagement to bottom-of-funnel conversions. Solid multi-channel attribution is necessary to measure the impact of your content on a channel, campaign, and individual post level, especially in the B2B space.

Allen Gannett, CEO, TrackMaven

Plan to measure

Avoid the stress that comes with leaving measurement for last. Include a measurement plan in your content marketing strategy and create a clear vision for how you will prove the value of your content before you publish your first piece.

Each measurement plan should include methods for calculating progress made toward identified business and marketing objectives. Additionally, each piece of content should be measureable against its purpose as part of the overall strategy.

Lindsay Tjepkema, director, content strategy, Relevance

Get the buzz

I use BuzzSumo to show content analytics. You can see which pieces of content are getting the most shares by keyword or by domain name.

Also, you can tell that your content is working, if you are ranking well in search engines, getting social media love, and getting customers in your sales funnel from your efforts.

Travis Wright, chief marketing technologist,

Track, track, and track

All of your content should be measured and tracked. Downloadable assets should be created dynamically on the fly with all embedded links carrying the information about the original download. Not only can you track the downstream outcomes of people who interacted with the content (allowing you to make the ROI case), but it also makes it possible to answer interesting questions about latency and the nature of the sales cycle (e.g., how long after interacting with a particular content piece does the person respond to the call to action).

Tim Ash, CEO, SiteTuners

HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT:The Secret to Content Marketing ROI

Know your most important analytics

I look at a couple of key metrics:

  • Total page views on content pages – which tells me that our headlines and social promotion is sufficiently click-worthy to drive people to the page
  • Engagement time – which tells me that people are staying once they click through
  • Conversions to things like job searches or account creation – which tells me that my team has successfully delivered ROI

On conversions, I specifically focus on entrances to the site via content pages – did people whom we have brought to the site through content take any of the desired actions?

I’d also say this about analytics: They’re not the be all and end all. You need to rely on your gut, too. For example, I know that not every piece of content we do will deliver both high page views and high conversions. Yes, the stuff that does both is content marketing gold, but you can’t do this every day.

Margaret Magnarelli, managing editor and senior director of marketing, Monster

Analytics: They’re not the be all & end all. You need to rely on your gut, too says @mmagnarelli #cmworld
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Do more with vanity

We look at typical vanity metrics (e.g., views, downloads, forms filled) and tie them to revenue. We measure marketing effectiveness in terms of marketing-influenced revenue and deals in the pipeline. Content marketing is one part of the story of the sale and we have worked to tie that to our lead management process.

Kathy Sterio, chief marketing officer, Current, powered by GE

Pick the best metrics

Make sure that you are capturing all stages of the conversion funnel – website visitor metrics, social media shares, newsletter sign-ups, offer downloads, and sales.

Use these metrics to figure out what’s working and then amplify those efforts. Remember, your content can garner engagements long after it’s published. Be sure to continuously track engagements to understand what content is outperforming the rest.

Juntae DeLane, digital brand manager, USC; founder, Digital Branding Institute

#Content can garner engagement long after it’s published so you need to continuously track it says @dbiweb
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How to Measure Engagement the Right Way

Quantify results

The problem with content marketing is that most companies don’t track the results for every piece of content they create. If you can’t track the results then you don’t know the effectiveness of the content. If you create a blog piece of content you should be able to track how many people opt in for email follow-up and how many eventually become a customer. Then, you can work out the value of any particular blog post.

Ian Cleary, founder, RazorSocial

Envision long-term success

Storytelling has a billboard effect. People know about you and recognize your brand in a drive-by way. It’s sharing stories that engage, entertain, and inform – which is what keeps the audience returning and keeps your brand top of mind.

Successful storytelling doesn’t happen overnight. Staying relevant and authentic allows you multiple touchpoints for two-way communication with your audience. You can prove that it’s working over time by monitoring how people found out about your brand, how they enter your website and share information from it, and how interactions on digital/social translate into phone calls and in-person visits.

Mariah Obiedzinski, manager, content marketing strategy, MedTouch

Look internally

Because we provide help content for software products, we get a lot of useful information internally from departments working closely with our users – support, professional services, consulting.

We also use metrics to make sure users are finding our content, but I don’t think metrics – no matter how smart – are good at tracking the success of our content. Some form of interaction with the users is needed to track engagement/success.

Denise Kadilak, information architect/team manager, K-12 user education, Blackbaud, Inc.

Check on revenue and gut

Your sales or donations will go up. It’s that simple. But I also think there’s an internal feeling in a company when content marketing is working. Teams feel more aligned. They understand the brand’s value proposition. Everyone can make the elevator pitch. People understand their roles and how to get it done. So there’s an external measurement, but there’s also an internal cultural externality that should be super positive.

Ahava Leibtag, principal, Aha Media Group

Set benchmarks

What is your goal? Determine your metric from that. Measure it. Use benchmarks:

  • If your goal is engagement, try to increase engagement rate. Facebook post engagement rate should be over 1%. We have multiple clients reaching 5 to 10%. The highest we’ve seen is 21%.
  • If you’re advertising for engagement, try to lower your cost per engagement by creating more engaging content and testing multiple targets. You should be able to get cost per post engagement below 20 cents. We often see it go below 5 cents.
  • If your goal is lead generation, your lead-gen conversion rate should be at least 5%. For B2B we’ve seen it go up to 20% and for B2C up to 75%. Improve the value and appeal of your lead magnet. Try multiple types of lead magnets. Make them more fun or more useful. Split test multiple versions and multiple landing pages.
  • If you’re advertising for lead gen, surprisingly, Facebook often beats Google and LinkedIn on both price and volume. You can target by job title, employer, seniority, company size, jargon interests, and more. And you can get lead-gen cost per lead down to $5 to $10 in many cases. I’ve seen some Facebook ad B2B lead-gen cost per lead as low as $1.50. Keep testing.

Brian Carter, founder, The Brian Carter Group

Consider this top 10 list

You know your content is working when …

  1. Your sales team mentions your content when answering questions for prospects, “Actually, we just wrote an article on that topic.”
  1. Your customer service team suggests topics, “Have we written anything about setting up these tools?”
  1. Prospects interrupt you during sales presentations, “Yes, I already read about that. I’m ready to talk to you about my specific needs.”
  1. Your boss asks you if you need more budget, “What would it take to do a webinar like that every month?”
  1. Your competitors’ websites and blogs start looking too familiar, “Have I seen this topic somewhere before?”
  1. Your recruiting pipeline is stuffed, “When I thought of where I’d like to work, you guys came to mind first.”
  1. People you meet act like they’re old friends, “So great to meet you. I feel like I’ve known you for years.”
  1. You lose track of press and media inquiries, “Tell them I can do the interview next week.”
  1. Your rank, subscribers, followers, and traffic grow, even when you’re out of town, “Wow, I should take vacations more often!”
  1. Your sales team gets annoyed when leads come in, “I took the last one. It’s your turn.”

Andy Crestodina, co-founder, strategic director, Orbit Media

You know your #content is working when your sales team gets annoyed when leads come in says @crestodina
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While all these experts shared great insight into how to know if your content marketing is working, I loved this simple tip from Conversion Scientist’s Brian Massey: “Visit your CMO or accountant. Take a picture of her face. If she is smiling, your content is working.”

Now, go grab your camera, and if you don’t capture that smile, pick the most helpful advice from these experts to turn that frown upside down.

Visit your CMO or accountant. Take a pic of her face. If she is smiling, your content is working says @bmassey
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Meet these experts in person and learn even more to help your content marketing programs. Register today to attend Content Marketing World Sept. 6-9. Use code BLOG100 to save $100.

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

The post How to Tell If Your Content Marketing Is Working: Tips From 22 Experts appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

How to Get Your Fast Content Out of the Slow Lane


Two weeks. That’s how long it takes a certain financial-services company to post a tweet.

“If it takes you two weeks to get a tweet out, you’re doing it wrong.” So says Robert Rose, CMI’s chief content adviser, who told this story at the Intelligent Content Conference in his talk, Structured Experiences: Content at the Speed of Culture.

He urges brands to differentiate between content that merits a full-blown vetting process, content that needs to get out there now, and content that falls somewhere in between.

Even in regulated industries, when it comes to content, one speed does not fit all. While some kinds of content – white papers, for example – take months to create, approve, and distribute, other kinds of content need to fly out in a matter of hours or even minutes.

In his talk, Robert mentioned a company that has created separate approval tracks based on traffic-light colors:

  • Red-light content is slow. It requires completion of all tasks in the approval workflow.
  • Yellow-light content is fast. It bypasses certain tasks in the approval workflow.
  • Green-light content is ready to go. It bypasses the whole approval workflow.

Robert clarified in an email that this company has even programmed its CMS to flag red-light and yellow-light content. Green-light content gets no flag; it just gets published.

Some businesses have no such tracks. All their content moves at one speed: slow. Those businesses miss opportunities and waste resources. As Robert said,

They treat all content with the same kind of governance. They treat every piece of content like an ad. Every white paper, every blog post, every tweet, every piece of content has to go through the same review process.

Don’t be one of those businesses.

How do you get your fast content out of the slow lane? How do you help each piece of content – across all product lines and departments – find its way into the world at the appropriate speed? Robert has some ideas for you.

All ideas and quotations, unless otherwise attributed, come from Robert’s ICC talk and my subsequent conversations with him.

Mixed-metaphor alert: You may have noticed that terms like “slow lane,” “fast track,” and “bypass” don’t exactly map to the traffic-light analogy. In some ways, traffic lanes represent this multispeed concept better than traffic-light colors. You might even argue that the yellow light creates some cognitive dissonance as a symbol of fast content because yellow means “slow down.” I’m sticking with the traffic light anyhow since it works for one company and since green works especially well for content that can go straight through without slowing down for anything. Pick your metaphor – whatever it takes to get your content moving at the right speed.

Slow content: Get it right

Marcia_TrafficLights-RedSlow content may take many weeks to develop and approve. Robert calls this “heavy-duty content.” It may be new content. Considered content. Substantial, long-form content. Content that’s heavily structured or highly personalized based on customer data. Content that requires extra care related to privacy or security. Content that must meet regulatory requirements. Or content that was provided by a freelancer.

Slow content requires heavy governance. It usually has “a lot of hands in the pot.” It will be around for a while, and you want it to be stable. After it’s approved, you don’t want to make changes. Robert describes it as evergreen, foundational, cornerstone content.

Examples: White papers, e-books, long-form video projects, personalized account content, product documentation.

Strategy: Where appropriate, follow rigorous processes for developing, reviewing, approving, categorizing, tagging, optimizing, distributing, and archiving. Take your time. Get the details right.

Technology: Slow content is typically part of your core data-management (or content management) systems. You need maximum control, maximum security, maximum privacy protection.

Fast content: Keep the workflow tight

Marcia_TrafficLights-YellowFast content has lower stakes than slow content. Fast content still requires research, and the information may be substantial, but there are fewer regulatory requirements and fewer potential liabilities. Legal review may be unnecessary.

Typically, fast content doesn’t need to stand the test of time the way that slow content does. It may be topical, trendy, newsy.

Fast content may exist solely to build a base of subscribers, to boost engagement, or to build relationships. It requires a light workflow. Light taxonomies (categorizing and tagging). Light governance.

This kind of content may have been repurposed with some changes, or it may be deemed “fast” based on other rules worked out between the content group and the governance folks. It’s easy to turn on and off. It’s “as easy and flexible as a media buy, not something that will take six months to set up and get a CMS in place for.”

Fast content can provide you with low-risk, low-investment learning opportunities. It may include sandbox projects that you could easily abandon, projects that give you the feedback you need to decide which kinds of content to integrate into your in-house systems. For example, you might pull a successful Tumblr blog into your CMS, or you might absorb a MailChimp email list into your secure CRM system.

Robert cautions that “fast doesn’t mean sloppy. You do need to take care. Even fast content needs to be well thought out.”

He urges every brand to develop a strategy for fast content:

Even the most regulated companies can create a fast-track approach for their social experiences. In my experience, the compliance people are often happy to cooperate. They don’t want tweets backing up on their desks. They’re eager to expedite processes where they can.

Every brand needs a strategy for fast #content, says @Robert_Rose. #contentstrategy
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Examples: Blog posts, long-form social posts, infographics, partially repurposed content.

Strategy: Streamline your review process as much as possible while keeping appropriate oversight.

Technology: Fast content requires less control and security than slow content, so you have more freedom in your technology decisions.

Ready-to-go content: It’s already all right

Marcia_TrafficLights-GreenSome content needs no approval because it’s based on, or points to, content that has already been approved – or content that’s “so benign that it just gets published.” Ready-to-go content skips the approval workflow altogether.

The traffic-light metaphor works especially well here. Green means go!

Typically, this kind of content is timely, ephemeral, disposable.

Examples: Conversations in social channels, microblogs (like Tumblr or Twitter), coverage of live events, Instagram posts, blog posts derived from approved white papers.

Strategy: Eliminate the approval requirement wherever possible.

Technology: Ready-to-go content typically uses third-party platforms that maximize your flexibility while requiring little or no investment in technology.


Smart companies approve content at various speeds depending on what’s at stake:

  • Some content must creep along through the full approval workflow.
  • Some content can hop into a fast track to approval.
  • Some content can shoot right out with no approval at all.

How does your organization get its fast content out of the slow lane? Please share your approach in a comment.

For more strategies that can help your content hit the right speed, sign up for our Content Strategy for Marketers weekly email newsletter, which features exclusive insights from CMI’s Chief Content Adviser Robert Rose. If you’re like many other marketers we meet, you’ll come to look forward to his thoughts every Saturday.

Cover image by Viktor Hanacek, picjumbo, via

The post How to Get Your Fast Content Out of the Slow Lane appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The 4th Reason for Content Marketing: A Profit Center


This post was co-written by CMI’s Chief Content Adviser Robert Rose.

In both our speeches and workshops to audiences not familiar with content marketing, we generally spend the first part of the presentation on what content marketing looks like, and how it can provide multiple ways to create value.

In particular, while I talk about “sales, savings, and sunshine” as the three core reasons why enterprises engage in a content marketing approach, Robert talks about a model called “subscribe, win, and grow.” We can address examples of each.

Goal of sales or win

A sales goal within a content marketing approach is all about driving demand for products and services by first creating subscribers who know, like, and trust your brand, who then convert into customers. As Robert describes it in his workshop, this is simply spending some of your marketing effort in building a group of people who are engaged with your approach but aren’t ready to purchase. When they are — your brand will be top of mind.

A great example of this is Brian Clark’s Copyblogger. In 2006, Brian started the content brand and created consistent content around SEO and online copywriting. Before long, Brian amassed over 100,000 opt-in subscribers. Today, the majority of revenue coming into the company (now known as Rainmaker Digital), a software-as-a-service (SaaS) enterprise, comes from its database of subscribers.


Goal of savings or subscribe

A cost-savings goal leverages a content marketing approach to see results similar to another program running in the organization (ultimately, it enhances or replaces the traditional initiative with the content initiative). From a “subscribe” perspective this is utilizing the power of an opt-in audience to deliver better or more effective performance from other business activities.

Jyske Bank has created one of the most high-tech in-house television production studios in Denmark. In fact, the company refers to itself as both a bank and a media company. produces amazing financial programming, as well as compelling stories that the bank believes are relevant to its core audience of younger consumers and small enterprises.

Instead of paying for multiple traditional sponsorships like most banks and corporate brands do, Jyske works with businesses interested in leveraging its media expertise. Instead of outlaying cash to outside opportunities, Jyske receives proposals for media partnerships from other organizations — an attractive option made possible by the credibility and reach the bank’s content program has helped it to build.

Both the World Mobile Congress and the Cannes Lions Festival have approached Jyske about forming this unique relationship, offering Jyske access to logo placements and exclusive interviews once reserved for media companies — strong evidence that with reach and a loyal audience comes great opportunity.

Whereas, in the past, Jyske Bank had to pay for opportunities like these, it can save that money because so many traditional organizations want access to Jyske’s audience.

Another example of this is Kraft’s Food & Family magazine and online recipes database program. By leveraging the rich data gleaned from its millions of subscribers to both the print and online platforms, Kraft created content four times more effective than most targeted traditional media buys.


Goal of sunshine or grow

Sunshine, or what sunshine helps with most — growth — is all about creating better customers for our business. In essence, this goal focuses on creating more loyalty and retention with customers or, at minimum, more positive customer behaviors like cross-selling or up-selling.

Print and digital magazine thinkMoney is produced by TD Ameritrade for active customers who trade sometimes hundreds of times a day. In the early days, the program was under ongoing review to determine whether it was worth spending money on the magazine.

But the leaders persevered and, after approximately two years, received the information they needed: Subscribers and readers of the magazine traded five times more than non-subscribers. Simply put, those who subscribe to this magazine become better customers for TD Ameritrade.


Fourth model: Content marketing as a profit center

I recently had an opportunity to hear Robert Sperl, editorial director of Red Bull’s magazine, explain its origin. In 2005, Red Bull was a major sponsor of Formula One racing. The company wanted to deliver a printed guide with the race results immediately after the event.

Prior to each race, they gathered inside stories about the drivers and fun facts about the history of each race and assembled and printed the bulk of each magazine ahead of time. They brought a Heidelberg press to the track. As soon as the race was over, they quickly printed the results and distributed the magazines to attendees as they were leaving the race — an astounding feat.

In 2007, Red Bull decided to evolve this publication into a men’s lifestyle magazine. It launched Red Bulletin in five countries, with 70% international and 30% localized content. Today, Red Bulletin magazine is published in five languages and is distributed in 10 countries. It prints and distributes 2.3 million copies each month, including 550,000 mailed to paid subscribers.


Image source

However, the most interesting aspect of the editorial director’s presentation on Red Bull Media House was how success is measured — and it’s not on how it helps drive more can sales. It is measured just like a media company — Red Bull Media House enters into initiatives that are profitable on their own merit.

All these years we’ve been holding up Red Bull Media House as one of the leading examples of content marketing. But truthfully, it’s a media organization inside Red Bull.

Examples abound

As we see content marketing maturing, and now that we’ve begun to look at this model more closely, it’s easy for us to see smaller examples in multiple industries.

In marketing, both Salesforce (with Dreamforce) and Marketo (Marketo Summit) create immensely valuable events that are profitable in their own right.

Cuisine Solutions, in conjunction with the Ad Agency HZDG just launched Sous-Vide, a $9.99-per-issue cooking magazine selling on the Cuisine Solutions website as well as at stores including Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Costco.


Johnson & Johnson operates as a completely separate division.

LEGO’s The LEGO Movie was created as a for-profit initiative. Sure, they wanted to sell more bricks, but the movie itself was to be measured just like any other movie — on ticket/DVD sales and merchandise.

All these examples are great, but they are nothing new. Enterprises have launched money-making initiatives ad-hoc for decades (if not longer). Why is now any different?

Tide is turning

I gave a presentation three weeks ago to a global manufacturing company. This was the first presentation where I cited not three, but four models for content marketing.

In just the past month, we’ve covered in our podcast, This Old Marketing, the announcements by both Pepsi marketing and Mondelez marketing about their new content marketing models. In both cases, the marketing leaders at these organizations talked about a portion of their marketing being self-sustaining or even profitable.

Soon after that, as Robert presents in his master class, Fortune 150 company Arrow Electronics announced the purchase of a number of B2B media brands from events company UBM (parent company of Content Marketing Institute). Not only has Arrow purchased amazingly valuable subscriber lists (made up of prospects and customers for its product) and editorial talent, but it has also purchased standalone marketing that is profitable by itself.

Future of marketing + media

Let’s take another look at Red Bull Media House and its suite of brands. Red Bull Media House is the umbrella over a number of sub-brands, including Red Bull Content Pool, Speedweek, and Red Bull Records.


While Red Bull still markets its products like other organizations, including advertising and traditional public relations, Red Bull Media House drives value, for the most part, outside the products that Red Bull sells. To do that, it has created a model similar to most media companies, logging dozens of content brands in the process.

This group makes money. The side benefit is that it aligns with the goals of Red Bull marketing … selling more cans. And getting this close to so many readers gives Red Bull customer insight unlike most other brands. This type of insight feeds upon itself into new products and new content brands (helping both the marketing and the media arms of Red Bull).

This is the future of IBM, of General Motors, of Cisco Systems.

Yes, in many ways we will still market the way we’ve marketed for decades. This includes large amounts of advertising and interruptive marketing.

Yes, we will also market specifically around the buyer’s journey, driving leads and certain behaviors with specific pieces of content. This is how most enterprises currently employ content marketing.

And yes, these large B2B and B2C enterprises will own a number of content brands as part of their content studios. Marriott has just started this, with its Marriott Traveler brand and Two Bellmen movie series. We can see Marriott in the near future owning and running 50 to 100 content brands targeting different audiences. Most of these will be self-sustaining or even profit-producing.

Initially, the money to create or purchase these brands will come from marketing or R&D. After that, the profit coming from the media brand will help buy or invest in more content brands.

In 20 years, the largest media companies on the planet may be the IBMs and GMs of the world, and, outside of hybrid companies like Disney, there won’t be many standalone media companies on the list of large media conglomerates.

In time, many smaller enterprises will just opt to create a media brand as their go-to-market strategy. (HubSpot anyone?)

Now we’ve been wrong before (many times), but this feels like the new direction we are seeing in content marketing. What say you?

Want to hear more from Joe and Robert, and about the fourth content marketing model? Register today for Content Marketing World Sept. 6-9. Use code BLOG100 to save $100.

Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute

The post The 4th Reason for Content Marketing: A Profit Center appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Three Simple Steps to Fine-Tune an Underperforming Blog

The many moving pieces of the modern blog often leaves our heads spinning.

However, the need for constant content marketing is more apparent than ever. Businesses can’t skimp when it comes to keeping their blogs fresh; likewise, those same marketers understand the need to tweak sites when they’re underperforming.

Oftentimes, optimizing your blog doesn’t require a complete overhaul. Instead, consider small tweaks you can make to your current content strategy to boost interest amongst your audience.

If your blog isn’t where you want it to be in terms of traffic and engagement, consider how you can fine-tune your blog posts in three simple steps.

Posting Frequency

In his how-to guide to building a blog, marketing guru Neil Patel discusses the importance of planning out posts to ensure that you’re blogging regularly and coming up with ideas that meet the desires of your readership.

The debate over how often a business should blog is fierce. While some brands are pushing out daily blogs that are on the shorter side (between 300 and 500 words), others are focusing on a “quality over quantity approach,” crafting posts that boast thousands of words that strive to be more in-depth.

The answer to “how often” you should post varies heavily depending on the resources at your disposal. For example, small firms probably don’t have the resources to hire a designated daily writer and therefore would have to cut corners elsewhere to meet their content needs.

Regardless of your industry or niche, consistent blogging has huge benefits for businesses including…

-More opportunities to rank for keywords related to your niche
-Additional authority in the eyes of Google and your readership as you build up an archive of useful content

There is a time and place for all types of content, both short and long-form. As long as you’re writing on a regular basis to meet the needs and expectations of your audience, you’re more than likely good to go. In other words, consistency is key.

Post Timing

The question of “when” to post in regard to the day of the week and time of day depends heavily on your audience. For example, ask yourself:

-Is my audience local or global, tied to a certain time-zone or spread out across multiple ones?
-Are my readers mostly looking for content in real-time, such as during their lunch breaks or in the morning at the office?
-Does my audience interested in my content over the weekend, or do I get most of my traffic during the week?

Understanding the metrics surrounding “when” you get the most traffic is telling. Statistically, Monday mornings are incredibly blog-friendly and Saturdays are the most popular time for blog comments. While you should take such statistics into consideration, make sure that your timing decisions are also based on your own data.

Post Titles

When it comes to making an impression on your readership, titles are perhaps one of the most importance pieces of the puzzle.

Shockingly, many content marketers fail to give their headlines the attention that they deserve. Considering that your post titles represent your content’s first impression on visitors, you need to take the proper steps to spicing up your headlines. For example…

-Turn your headline into a question to pique the interest of your readers
-Frame your posts as a list or how-to guide to give your readers something easy to read and helpful to them
-Include keywords relevant to your business or niche to help get found via search and let users know that they’re in the right place based on your post titles

Simply put, a proper headline can take an ordinary post to extraordinary in terms of readers, shares and engagement.

There are numerous ways to beef up your blog; however, sometimes improving your content strategy only takes a couple of small tweaks. By improving the frequency, timing and titles of your posts, you can take simple steps to giving your blog new life without giving it a complete overhaul.

Original post: Three Simple Steps to Fine-Tune an Underperforming Blog

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