Saturday, July 23, 2016

Open Communication: Are You Reaching Your Entire Audience?

You have your blog up and running, yet it feels as if you just aren’t attracting enough of your target audience. Sure, you’re posting everyday, you’re sharing on social media, but, you’re lucky if you get one or two comments per post. Then, you take a look at your competitor’s blog, and they seem to have your entire audience engaged and coming back for more. Here is how to make sure you are reaching your entire audience.

Choose the right links

You do want to add authoritative links to your post, but you should also make them work for you. What you need to do is choose the types of links that will increase your reach. You can achieve this objective by looking for posts that have similar subjects and are written by someone who has a good chance of sharing your post.

You want a link that not only adds value to your post, but is written by sites with strong social media teams. Then, let sites know you mentioned them in your post. They may immediately share your post without you having to ask. This is truly a winning situation for all involved.

Partner with another blogger for cross promotions

When two bloggers help each other, everyone wins. This is most successful when both blogs have a corresponding number of readers. You might exchange ads or even share email lists. In addition, you can both mention each other in your posts.

Be available

One thing your audience wants is trust. They want an outlet to share their comments, but they also want to know that your business is available to speak with them to answer questions. You don’t have to give out your mobile number. You can easily get a toll-free number to use for client and prospect calls. Not only does it add a sense of professionalism, but it lets your audience know that you are there for them.

Use competitive analysis for topic selection

When you use this method, you have the opportunity to find out what topics and keywords are trending for other bloggers in your niche. In addition, you can find out topics that are attracting the most traffic. Then, do some research to get the most impactful headline.

You want to produce something new and exciting. Even a fresh twist on a popular topic can bring in a stream of comments. If your industry’s influencers are sharing your competitor’s posts, they might even share yours. It doesn’t hurt to ask.

Targeted and paid options

You already know that you must share your content on all of social media. Although, if you want to truly reach targeted individuals, you might consider utilizing paid social media. You can start with promoted tweets, Instagram ads and Facebook ads. You may be surprised by how many followers you amass even through a small, $25 campaign.

Add a link to your latest article in your social media bio

Notice how all the biggest Instagram accounts have links in their bio for whatever it is they are promoting at that time? People might not read all of your IG posts or your tweets, but they will look at your bio. In this location, you have space for a link.

So, to promote your blog, add a link to your latest post in your bio. Then, ask for retweets or reposts. Of course, if you post 10 pieces a day, this would take up a lot of time. Used sparingly, you could reach all of your audience over time.

Email signature

Does a day go by when you don’t email someone? Think of all the emails you send every single day. Why aren’t you marketing your blog posts this way? All you have to do is place a link in your email signature that invites people to check out your most recent blog post. Some people may have forgotten you have a blog so, this reminds them.

Verify your information

People want to read blogs that have accurate information. It does not have to be a thesis by any means, but you don’t want to misinform people. This sometimes means you need to have contacts throughout the world, sending you information either via fax or email. In some places, a fax is their only means of communication with the outside world. As a result, you must get your work right every time. It only takes getting it wrong once to tarnish your reputation.

Get statements from influential people

It could be anyone from the CEO of your favorite micro brewery to Bill Gates. What you may find is people love to give advice and share their experiences. Plus, through social media, you can essentially reach out to almost anyone. Let them know why you are interested, and what you intend to write. Even if it is just for a quote, they may share your piece. Then, imagine all of their followers heading over to your blog!

Sticking to the blogging basics is a good start. However, to reach your entire audience, the above tips will help you get there.

Katrina (Esther) Manning is a professional web writer for eVoice. This is her first contribute article for Daily Blog Tips

Original post: Open Communication: Are You Reaching Your Entire Audience?

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