Monday, July 25, 2016

Social Media Marketing – What to Know About Each Platform

How connected is your business? Which social networking sites do you use? Which should you use?

We are here to help you make the right choices for your business by providing you with some basic information on each of the main social media outlets. This way, you can make the decision for yourself on whether or not you should put the time and money into each individual social networking site.

Here is the down low you need to know on the major social media outlets you might want to use for marketing purposes:


The big kahuna, the most popular name in social media; Facebook takes the cake in the social media marketing game. And there are plenty of reasons to back up that theory. First of all, Facebook is easily one of the most used social networks. People of all ages are on the site. Facebook is the site to use to reach the most people, especially with the ability to like, react to and share posts and images.

But that’s just the beginning. Facebook knows it is popular, especially among businesses, so they have incorporated several features to help such users improve their marketing initiatives. While marketers can buy ads on Facebook, the site has also helped business owners optimize these ads through their Facebook Ads feature. This function allows marketers to see more information about their leads so that they can work to target the right individuals. Facebook is doing everything right to help businesses with their marketing campaigns, and it can be extremely cost-effective.


Twitter is another outlet near the top of the list for marketers. The social networking site is starting to improve for marketing purposes. While the ability to start conversation, retweet posts, have access to account analytics and get messages across quickly prove to be successful components of the site, Twitter has also become more search engine friendly. Now, Google searches will start to pick up words from tweets, giving more attention to Twitter and marketers on Twitter. SEO is just another way Twitter is making a name for itself in 140 characters or less!


It is all about the aesthetic value and creativity with Instagram. If you are trying to promote your brand and certain products like clothing or accessories, you can model them and post images on Instagram. Another way to use the site and stay on trend is by posting funny memes to keep up with the times. A major part of being recognized online is by keeping up with the trends, and Instagram is a fun way to do that and gain some easy recognition. However, there are some faults with Instagram. In order to share something, you can only repost a picture, which is not as easy or as common to do as sharing a Facebook post, or retweeting a tweet. There is also not a way to view the analytic in site, although other marketing software can help you manage that task. Keep these things in mind when trying to market via Instagram images.


While it may not have the popularity with the youth, or all of the creative functions of the other sites, it might have the spinach your marketing campaign needs. By that, I mean that you are promoting your site to other businesses and professionals who can share your posts with other serious individuals. This might just help you find the serious buyers and partners that you need to succeed. And by creating a company page on the site, you can work to make your business look as good as it possibly can, which holds a lot of merit with your peers.


If you have yet to get the memo, videos are all the rage. So if you have the opportunity to create broadcasts, show behind the scenes of your company, or create any kind of filmed content to engage your viewers, you should start a YouTube account stat. The videos you publish here can also easily work in tandem with most other networking sites as you have the option to share these videos publicly. You can kill two birds with one stone with YouTube videos.


If you’re looking to target younger audiences, you may want to take to Snapchat. This social picture-sending application allows you to post snap stories, which is basically a series of short videos. Major brands are using their stories to feature celebrities, new products, and fun events. While you may not quite be on that level, you can work to engage your followers via Snapchat with cool images, fun clips and sneak peeks of products. It’s worth a try!


This is likely one of the last ones on the list of social networking sites to use within your marketing campaign, but depending on your industry it could prove to be a powerful tool. For example, if your business sells clothes, or works with home improvement services, you can easily gain followers through pins, as the more you get repined the more people see your products. And now with the option to buy certain pins, you can even sell you products directly via Pinterest. Pinterest does all the work for you, all you have to do is post, pin and follow others.

Based on the type of business and your company’s budget, you can now make educated decisions when it comes to picking which social media network(s) to use for marketing purposes.

Original post: Social Media Marketing – What to Know About Each Platform

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