Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Top 10 Blogs for Startup Founders and Entrepreneurs

Sometimes a single insight can completely change the direction of your startup or business, so make sure you are reading blogs that can offer such sparks of creativity and mindset change.

Below you will find a list of blogs that every startup founder or entrepreneur should read regularly. Enjoy.

1. Paul Graham Essays

Perhaps not a blog in the strict sense of the word, but close enough, given it’s a collection of essays he writes and publishes online. Paul Graham is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Y Combinator, and as a result of that he has worked with hundreds, if not thousands of tech startups over the last 10 years.

2. Ben Horowitz Blog

Ben is a seasoned technology entrepreneur turned venture capitalist. He co-founded Opsware, which was acquired by HP. More recently he started a venture capital firm with Marc Andreessen, called Andreessen Horowitz. Curious fact: Ben is a fan of rap music, and he starts most of his posts with rap lyrics!

3. Quicksprout

Pretty much every business has a digital component these days. That is why you need to know about digital marketing, which includes SEO (Search Engine Optimization), email marketing, content marketing and so on. There is no one better to teach you about that than Neil Patel. His posts are always value-packed and straight to the point.

4. Fred Wilson – A VC

Fred Wilson has been playing the venture capital game for a long time. According to his website, he started in 1986! Was it even called venture capital back then? You’ll find new posts on his blog almost daily, and most are packed with useful information and insights about the tech scene.

5. Steve Blank

Author and serial-entrepreneur Steve Blank shares his views about technology, startups and business in general on his blog. He has worked with 8 startups over the years, 4 of which have gone public!

6. Chris Dixon

This guy co-founded SiteAdvisor (sold to McAfee), co-founded Hunch (sold to eBay), invested in Uber, Makerbot, Buzzfeed, and more! He probably knows what he is talking about, right? The link above is to his Medium profile, where he blogs these days. You can also visit his old blog to read over 400 articles he published there.

7. Jason Ball

Jason is a partner at Qualcomm Ventures. On his blog you’ll find his analysis of the latest technology trends and startups, as well as pieces about personal development, like this one.

8. Seth Godin

It’s all about marketing, and Seth Godin is the master marketer! One big advantage of Seth’s blog posts is that they are very short (from 200 to 300 words) and straight to the point. If you are not reading them, don’t say it’s because you are busy!

9. Both Sides of the Table

Mark Suster is an American entrepreneur, angel investor and investment partner at Upfront Ventures. In his blog you will find tips about books, trends, analysis of startups, markets and so on.

10. 500 Hats

Dave McClure is an entrepreneur and angel investor based in the San Francisco Bay Area, who founded and runs the business accelerator 500 Startups. His blog is updated quite regularly, and he is always very outspoken about tech and business issues.

Original post: Top 10 Blogs for Startup Founders and Entrepreneurs

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