Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How to Find Viral Topics to Write About

In the digital world, viral is a buzzword that has a positive or negative connotation. If you are a content creator, blogger, website owner, or marketer, going viral is absolutely positive. It is your goal to optimize your content and see it spread widely and rapidly online. To improve your rankings and be on the first page of search engine results, you need to constantly find viral topics to write about.

Whether you’re planning to post content on your website, blog, or social media accounts, it is important that you research on the trending or popular topics within your niche or industry. Aside from considering some of the key factors that make a topic or content viral, forward thinkers like you can also take advantage of online tools and resources that can help you come up with attention-grabbing topics that will draw people to your content page or website. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Google+ / Google Trends

Google is undoubtedly the most popular and widely-used search engine in the world. Therefore, optimizing its tools and features to search for viral topics is an excellent idea. First, there’s Google+, where you can look for keywords, domains, and content that are popular with Google+ users.

There’s also Google Trends, which allows you to identify popular keywords relative to overall search volume, keep track of the trends in Google searches, and view all relevant articles for a hot topic.


This content analysis tool works by identifying and analyzing trending content for a given topic or competitor. You can sign up and try BuzzSumo for free and start using it by simply typing in a topic or keyword to search for viral content. They also offer four subscription plans at reasonable costs. Choose the one that you think is most suitable for your business.

Like more popular brands like Yahoo! and IBM and publishers, including National Geographic and BuzzFeed, your business can also maximize the features and full potential of this tool.


Topsy is a search engine that delivers real time social analytics. It indexes links, images, videos, tweets, and other online content and then ranks them by popularity. With this user-friendly tool, it will be easier for you to monitor activity about your brand and increase engagement.


Although it’s not that intuitive, Reddit can still be considered as a good platform for searching for viral content. Through this website, registered members can submit content, which can be rated and voted up or down by other members. By simply viewing the website, you can already see the content that have many upvotes or downvotes and comments and determine the most popular ones.

HubSpot Blog Topic/Idea Generator

HubSpot is certainly a top software company that features comprehensive content management, social media, web analytics, and search engine optimization tools. If you are looking for a way to find viral topics, then HubSpot’s blog topic/idea generator is perfect for you. It’s simple and easy to use. Initially, you’ll get five blog ideas or topics, but you can get more by simply filling out a form.


SEOquakeIt is most is a powerful and free plugin for browsers, particularly Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. With this tool, you’ll be able to access statistics of search results in Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and other search engines, as well as social media statistics, including Facebook likes and Twitter tweets. Explore the features of this tool and you’ll be able to find the top content in search results and popular posts on social media.

Finding and using viral topics help a lot in boosting your content arsenal. Go viral for the right reasons! Try one or more of these tools for content optimization, viral sharing, and improved SEO rankings. A reliable company that provides online marketing services can also assist you in achieving these goals. Remember, creating viral content is not only good for shareability but also for increasing your brand’s relevance in the industry.

Original post: How to Find Viral Topics to Write About

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