Friday, December 16, 2016

3 Tips to Outsource Like a Boss

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

I am guessing you want your website or online business to go far, right? If that is the case, you need to start bringing more people in and stop doing everything yourself.

At this point you might be thinking: “But my website/business is small! I don’t make nearly enoough to hire employees!”

But who said anything about hiring employees?

While you are small, a cheaper a more efficient solution is to outsource. That is, to hire the services of other people and companies to help out with your business. Here are 3 tips that will help you with that:

1. Identify Where you Add Value

If you are a talented writer and that is what drives people to your blog or website, there is no point in wasting time dealing with technical details. This means that it would be wise to outsource the website and hosting management to someone who is good and likes doing that kind of stuff.

Similarly, if you are a tech person but ends up writing content just because you need to have a freshly updated blog to attract customers, why not hire a writer to create that content while you focus on developing technical features?

Focus on your strengths and outsource the rest. This will help your business grow and make more money in the long run.

2. Find Outsourcing Candidates Efficiently

The whole point of oursourcing is to gain agility and to be able to focus on the things where you add value. If you spend a whole month posting job listing on several sites it will beat the purpose, right?

One thing you can do to speed up the process is post your job at It is a platform that will automatically broadcast your job listing to 100+ job sites around the web. Pretty cool huh? This will allow you to reach a much wider range of candidates, and it will allow you to find the right person to outsource much faster.

3. Measure the Results

You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Ideally, write key aspects of your business down for a month or so before you start outsourcing, and then track the numbers after you start doing it.

You obviously want to see improvements on those key variables. For instance, if you are a writer, once you outsource the technical details of your website you should see an increase in both amount of content you will publish on the site and monthly site visitors. Google Analytics has several functionalities that will help you measure not only web visitors, but actions and special events that you can setup.

If the numbers are improving, keep going and consider outsourcing even more stuff! If they are not improving, consider what might have gone astray and try to fix it.

Good luck!

Original post: 3 Tips to Outsource Like a Boss

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