Tuesday, December 13, 2016

How to Find Sites Accepting Guest Blog Posts

Guest blogging or guest posting involves one person writing a post for the blog or website of another person. As it turns out, this is a very efficient promotion technique, pretty much for everyone involved.

The hosting site gets a free and usually high-quality piece of content. The guest blogger gets the possibility to reach a new audience and to gain some new readers or clients via the credit link. The readers of the host site get to see content from different writers and with a different perspective on things.

Exactly because of those benefits guest blogging became a widespread trend on the Web. Even major sites like HuffingtonPost or TechCrunch use guest posts these days.

If you are just getting started, however, it might seen intimidating. Where do you find sites that accept guest posts? How to you pitch your ideas? How to you keep track of everything?

If that is you, last week I came across a site that will help you figure it all out. GuestPost.com offers a ton of tools and resources on the site, including Email scraper, website scraper, list of guest blog sites, pitch email generator, and so on.

For instance, on the “Resources” section you’ll find a list of websites that accept guest posts, and they update it regularly to make sure you won’t reach out to non-existing sites. Similarly, they have a list of marketing influencers who have written high-performance guest posts, so that you can check and emulate what they are doing right.

The “Tools” section allows you to get the hot keywords of websites that offer guest posts, so that you write posts aligned with the topics and audience of each website. There is also a tool to help you write your email pitch, and one that will help you find the contact email of any website or blog.

If you use or plan to use guest blogging as a promotional strategy, check out those tools as they might make your life a lot easier!

Original post: How to Find Sites Accepting Guest Blog Posts

This post is courtesy of: http://www.dailyblogtips.com

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