Wednesday, December 14, 2016

5 Tools All Marketers Should be Using for a More Engaging Blog

Do you have a roadmap in place for developing high-quality blogs? Do you know which writing styles resonate with your audience? What about which topics they love and how to approach them most efficiently? Do you know which blog development tools are at your disposal?

Using blogging tools correctly is one of the most efficient things bloggers can do, but many overlook it completely.

Today, there are dozens of fantastic tools on the web designed specifically to help bloggers share their thoughts and build a more engaging platform.

With that in mind, here are the top five top blogging tools that you should be using (10 more here if you have time!).

1. Grammarly is a powerful spelling and grammar checker that picks up mistakes Microsoft Word will not. From overused words and passive voice, to confused possessives and contractions, Grammarly does it all, and it’s a critical tool for any blogger who wants to escape the embarrassment of pushing out a blog riddled with typos. Plus, since it plugs directly into Google Chrome, it checks all of the text you write online, including your emails. There’s a desktop version, as well, for those times when you’re offline.

Grammarly offers both a free and a paid plan, and it’s well worth the investment for bloggers to hop in on it.

2. BuzzSumo

Content fatigue is a real thing for busy bloggers, and it can be tough to keep the creative juices flowing when you’re feeling exhausted by the sheer volume of content you have to create. Fortunately, a tool like can help. BuzzSumo is a simple, far-reaching tool that can do everything from helping you research keywords to showing you which content is performing the best for a given topic.

Here’s how it works: just select the “content research” tab at the top of the screen and type in your keyword or phrase. Click “search,” and BuzzSumo will give you a list of the top-performing posts for that phrase.

You can also use the platform to search for influencers and monitor keywords or topics.

3. HubSpot’s blog topic generator

HubSpot is one of the leading names in the online marketing industry, and their blog topic generator tool is made by bloggers, for bloggers. While BuzzSumo can combat content fatigue by showing you which content is performing the best on social media, HubSpot’s blog topic generator fights fatigue by simply giving you an actionable, exciting list of blog headlines to choose from.

Here’s a sample list of blog topics created with the input words “digital” and “marketing.”

4. Hemingway app

Did you know that the most desirable reading level for your online content is about 8th or 9th grade? Do you know what an 8th or 9th-grade reading level looks like, though? If the answer is “no,” there’s a fantastic tool out there to help you. It’s called the Hemingway App.

A simple app that you can just copy and paste your text into, Hemingway shows you places where you can swap out complicated words for simple ones, shorten sentences, and correct overly-difficult words and phrases. Ideal for anyone who works in the online space and worries about the clarity of their writing, Hemingway is a fantastic check-in that can work wonders for your online material.

5. Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer

As a blogger, you know that your headlines are critical, and that they’ve got to be good to draw readers in. But do you know how to measure their emotional impact? If not, head to the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer by AMI. Just input your headline and the tool will give you an immediate analysis of its quality. For best conversion rates, shoot for an EMV score of between 50-70%. For an example, here’s one of the HubSpot headlines, plugged into the EMV analyzer.

Simple Tools for Better Blogging

Every great blogger wants his or her blog to succeed, but this can be easier said than done. If you’re looking for a way to transform the success of your blog and make writing it easier, these five tools are for you.

Dave is the CEO of Dave’s Computers Inc. He writes a weekly column for Daily Blog Tips covering the best tips about blogging and Internet marketing. You can also find him on LinkedIn.

Original post: 5 Tools All Marketers Should be Using for a More Engaging Blog

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1 comment:

  1. To your point about Hemingway being simple to use: I found that this was true only once I adjusted to the whole color-coded methodology. I like the features that the free version of Hemingway offers, but started looking into similar alternatives. {I’ve only used INK a few times but the UI seems less intrusive and also has some content optimization features.
