Tuesday, April 12, 2016

5 Blogging Ideas that Bring Non-Paid Traffic to Your Blog

For anyone that owns and operates a blog, they will be familiar with the frustrations of getting web traffic to their site. There are several paid options available on the market, but how much better would you feel if you could get the traffic for free? You might think it is a myth, but it is actually easier than you think. If you are looking for some inspirational tips, then Check out Online Marketing Gurus who have provided the following tips to aspiring bloggers.

Encourage people to share your content on social media.

When people visit your website and view the content, you want them to share the content across their social networks. The more shares your content receives, the more traffic your site will earn. Leverage social sharing apps like SumoMe that provide floating bars and pop-ups that will incentivise people to share your content.

Share your web content in relevant web forums.

Have you checked any forum threads to see if there are any hot discussion topics that are related to your web content? You can conduct searches on sites like Boardreader.com to find relevant discussion threads and then add your contribution to the conversation.

Create an expert roundup.

One of the best ways to start building your audience is to tap into the audiences of others. One way to achieve this is by featuring experts that have large audiences and incentivising them to share the published content with their audience. Some features from experts could send hundreds or thousands of visitors to your content, resulting in new subscribers and customers for your business.

To engage this strategy, compile a list of the major influencers in your industry and collect data about their audience size and engagement. You can use tools like BuzzSumo to find influencers that share the content and you can keep a record of their contacts in tools like Buzzstream. Reach out to them with an email pitch. For example:

I’m (name) from (website). I’m currently creating an expert roundup on (topic) and I wanted to ask you if you would be happy to provide a point of view.
If you are happy to, could you let me know and I will forward you the question.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,

Guest blogging.

Guest blogging is a great way to increase web traffic to your website if you apply the strategy well. Many webmasters struggle with this strategy because:

-They don’t get featured on a relevant website in their niche.
-The website doesn’t receive a high volume of web traffic.

To maximise your chance of success with guest blogging:

-Compile a database of high authoritative niche sites that is relevant to your niche.
-Collect the contribution details for the website.
-Reach out to the editors and suggest the type of content that you would like to contribute to their website.
-Ensure that you publish a post that resonates with their target audience.

Develop amazing content.

It is no secret that amazing content serves as the catalyst for bringing traffic to a blog. You need to create content that will blow your readers minds! People are looking for information that will add value. There are several different content types that can be leveraged such as:

-Long list posts, such as top tips.
-Case studies
-How to guides and tutorials
-Collaboration posts
-Curated posts

Just remember that you cannot cheat your readers. Make sure that your content always delivers value.

You want your blog to have a magnetic appeal. The content that you produce will create the opportunity for exposure and the promotional methods that you use such as social networks will earn your blog awareness and inbound traffic. Try using the methods provided to improve your blogging success today.

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This post is courtesy of: http://www.dailyblogtips.com

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