Friday, April 15, 2016

Never Get Writer’s Block Again with These 101+ Blog Post Titles

If you have had a blog or website for a while, you probably know that the hardest part of keeping it going is writing new and unique content on a regular basis. Let’s face it, getting ideas for interesting posts is hard!

That is why I am always searching around for tips and tricks on how to be more creative, and this past week I came across a really interesting post from the Wise Startup Blog titled Steal My Strategy: How to Create Blog Post Ideas Influencers Love.

On this post you’ll discover the strategies used by Andrew to produce killer articles that will get shared like crazy, and you will also find a list with 101 blog topics/titles you can use on your own site.

Here’s a quotation:

13. Tell a Joke

The old adage says that sex sells, but humor can go a long way too.

14. Write about Personal Life Lessons

Readers tend to appreciate when writers are willing to share their own personal experiences. Don’t be afraid to relate your own challenges and failings. Others will learn from the lessons you share and take a moment to relay their own experiences.

15. Make a Video Post

Again, readers appreciate being able to view a variety of material and posting a vlog will also make you seem more accessible and personable rather than an anonymous voice on the web.

16. Write a Guide to Success

Everyone is looking for ways to improve. Offer your own advice on how to succeed and provide concrete steps that can be followed.

17. Share Marketing Secrets

Other bloggers and business owners will be interested in how you are able to successfully market your articles and expand your reach. Most of this information is readily available, but you can be the go-to source and make sure you standout as a reliable expert.

Some cool ideas huh? Believe me, you’ll find many more creative ones on the original post, so check it out.

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