Sunday, April 17, 2016

Optimize Drupal with Smart SEO Tips

Drupal is an extremely powerful system, which could be effectively used for complex, large sites and it is supposed to be the best ever platform for SEO. Studies have revealed that people have been successful in tripling their traffic within just a few weeks after shifting to Drupal from some lesser platform.

Drupal has some amazing built-in tools that are best for automating and powering SEO on huge amounts of contents. Moreover, the granular control equips you with absolute power and authority over each and every site element. It is way ahead of competition including WordPress and Joomla. It is regarded as an SEO-friendly CMS (Content Management System) that is supported by a highly intuitive framework.

Why Do You Need to Pep Up Your Drupal?
Drupal is supposed to be the most configurable, scalable system, and drastic enhancements in usability would soon be shortening the learning curve for new developers and users. Appropriate SEO strategies could definitely boost the ranking of any Drupal site in the search results. In this context, you must remember that usually, if any Drupal site keeps appearing frequently in the search results and keeps ranking higher up on the list, more and more traffic would be diverted to your site and that would certainly boost your business or income.

Some Effective SEO Tips worth Trying
Experienced and expert webmasters have sound knowledge about optimizing their websites, but those who are completely novice and do not possess sufficient knowledge regarding Drupal SEO, they are in a fix and need expert advice and guidance every step of the way. Here are some expert tips for beginners so that they get a basic idea and some knowledge about ways to optimize their Drupal websites.

Optimize Keyword Usage
Keywords are an integral part of SEO and you need to devote a lot of attention toward proper research and use of effective keywords. Here are some points to ponder about regarding keyword use.
It is a good idea to insert the keyword in the title of the article. However, do keep in mind that search engines would be focusing on the title’s message. You must insert keywords in the first as well as the last paragraphs of your article as some search engines assume that the crucial phrase or critical words would be found in these two paragraphs.

It is really a bad practice to keep on stuffing your article with loads of keywords. When you do that, your article’s flow is lost and it becomes pretty awkward. Keywords should be incorporated in pretty much a natural way so that the content does not lose its lucidity and the visitors and search engines find it really nice and easy to read.

You should abstain from incorporating wrong keywords. Try not to choose highly competitive or nonsensical keywords otherwise; it would really be difficult for you to achieve a good SEO ranking. Competitive keywords imply those that are able to withstand the impact of really scalable keywords featuring the SERP. The key to coining the perfect keyword is to be natural.

An excellent way of boosting SEO ranking through keywords is by using then effectively in the Meta tags, internal posts, title tags, URLs, descriptions and in case it is possible, try inserting them all through the website content copy.

Superior Quality of Web Content
Maintain high-quality web content. It should be 100 percent original and should have in-depth research, reports, and analysis that would be productive in giving the site a higher SEO ranking.

Use Internal Links
Make it a habit of using quite a lot of internal links in your content. Internal links are instrumental in redirecting and diverting traffic to your website. This is pretty effective and helpful from SEO point of view. Building inbound links, therefore, could be fruitful in dramatically enhancing the SEO ranking of your website and bringing in potential visitors in large numbers.

You could be getting inbound links if you put in some efforts. For instance, social bookmarking, blog comment and directory links could be achieved with some efforts. Some websites often indulge in the practice of buying inbound links, which is strictly not recommended.

Go for a Well-Structured URL
It is really vital for your website to have a very well-structured URL as it would be easier for search engines in locating and indexing your website. The URL that comprises the keyword helps in expediting the ranking process.

Consider Increasing Website Speed
Boost your website speed to optimize Drupal. If you have a speedy website, you would end up attracting several visitors and getting a lot of traffic.

You would be requiring a highly dependable web host, one that is used to providing quick server response and fast loading speed. A top hosting provider that boasts of adequate professional technical support is pretty effective in optimizing your website.

Use SEO Modules
SEO modules are very useful for the beginners because they have some extremely powerful and effective built-in features for guiding you in optimizing several parts. Such modules could be paid or free and some of them could be chosen as per your requirements. There are many fantastic SEO modules that could be of great help to you. SEO Checklist is one of the top Drupal SEO modules. It is capable of listing the most important SEO tasks and relevant modules. PathAuto is great for automatically generating URL path aliases ideal for some kind of content. Google Analytics is another fabulous module that is useful for tracking messages, users, and links. For example, using this effective module, you would be able to accumulate information regarding what exactly your precise visitors are browsing through; where are they from and how long are they expected to be on your website and so on.

If you keep following the discussed SEO tips, you should have no problem in optimizing Drupal. However, you must always keep in mind that the most crucial tip among all others is to come up with high-quality content as the upgraded and latest search algorithm makes it a point to bring down the rankings of low-quality sites.

Sujain Thomas is a blogger and an SEO and SMM professional, working as a consultant and site admin in In her free time, she maintains a blog in which she covers latest SEO trends, tips, reviews, and suggestions.

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