Thursday, April 14, 2016

How to Establish and Maintain Good Relationships in the Blogosphere

Catching up on blogging is tough to reach the heights without grateful readers and respect of the fellow bloggers. Both should be earned, in principle, as in a real life. Unfortunately, it turns out not always and not at all, even though someone may not need. In any case, this process requires special attention and time spent. Reputation needs to grow, and for a couple of hours or days to implement this plan impossible. I suggest you straightforward and time-tested rules and practice following which you can do it right and get the result. Of course, the mere implementation of these standards and regulations do not give you any guarantees but can significantly improve the chances of success in the blogosphere. And even if you do not become a super popular blogger, you can, at least, find a couple of good friends online.

Be honest

Always write honestly. The reader feels the similar things. Moreover, we should not forget that we often read by people more intelligent and skilled than we are, so if you’re fighting for the loyalty of the audience, be very frank.

As an example, there may be the situation with advertising posts, so do not hide from the reader that you have received monetary compensation for the particular publication. The audience is unlikely to be positive. Similarly, you can cite as an example the description of their achievements. Deceiving readers, you will not achieve anything good, and to some extent, you will even deceiving yourself. In short, the honesty in the blogosphere, as in the life, it is good quality!

Respond to comments and letters

For each comment and a letter demanding an answer it is necessary to answer. Without focus, you can only leave comments like “great” and “good”, or “+1”. If there is a question in the comments, it implies the answer. And the reader is hoping to get it. Do not disappoint him. The same goes for emails. Even if you cannot help, or if you do not have enough skills but should answer, you have to respond in any case. On this depends not so much relations of visitors to you personally, as even the score of the usefulness of the site which he will or will not visiting further.

React to the reader

The response to the visitor implies not only the need to respond to comments and letters. The reaction to the reader means the ability to anticipate the interests and needs of the audience and to implement them. So, in other words, understanding the reader and providing what he needs is a real art. To find out the visitors and their needs better, you can create a poll on your blog, where to ask for your note or topics for consideration, any steps to improve the project. Most sites place a feedback form the contact with readers and the opportunity for them to give some tips and advice on the best of the work. It is important to listen to your visitors and implement them.

Be kind

Always be friendly, and people will reach for you. There’s not much to add or explain further. In spite of the bad mood, personal issues, and any other bad nuances, you should not show it or to project onto your readers. Blogging has much in common with the work, which is also imperative to protect the personal and professional aspects.

Be adequate

Adequately responds to the criticism and the opposite of your point of view. If you are wrong, it is necessary to admit it. Do not succumb to provocations, to be led by “trolls”. And any attempt to “stir up” conflicts or to get personal, I would recommend you as the author and the head of the blog, prevent it strictly. Another important thing — do not be a “star” — remember that the concept of top bloggers is extremely concerning.

Comment on other blogs

Commenting on other blogs is a must. Otherwise, you will not get starting to build relationships and thus integrate into the blogosphere. Also, the same if you want to someone comment you, start it first. Useful, detailed comments on other blogs are one of the methods to drive traffic to the young bloggers.

Communicate with other bloggers

Relations with other bloggers often begin with communication in the comments (as mentioned above), and often develop into a real friendship. Do not hesitate to contact other bloggers with questions, suggestions or anything else. Most of them are nice and adequate people. For the beginning, try to make friends with bloggers of you niche and “mark” (because it is the easiest, for example). You can even try to organize some co-operation in the form of participation in the competition or the joint project.

Link to other blogs

A well-known proven way to improve relations is to refer to other bloggers. Along with commenting on other blogs, this is one of the most efficient ways. If your blog is not yet known, the person to whom you referred to at least know about your existence (all bloggers wonder who refers to them). As the maximum, they will respond to you in return. In principle, this can be done just so, or to negotiate with other bloggers for mutual exchange of links.

Use Twitter and Facebook

Twitter and Facebook are great places to socialize or even make new friends. Use them for the expansion of relations and the maintenance of good relations with old friends. Social networks every day denser and more serious part of our lives, to ignore them would be a crime. Very often, these social services are used in the promotion of the blog.

Participate in live events

Magnificent if you have the opportunity to communicate with readers, bloggers or colleagues live (means offline). This communication is very strengthened ties and promotes the development of new ones. This item is the most difficult to implement, but its implementation possibilities have virtually everyone, as all sorts of activities carried out fairly — seminars, roundtables, field trips and more. In the blogosphere, there are probably maybe found some well-known persons who rarely miss such public events, from which you may get a lot of use.

Use these helpful methods to build friendly and fruitful relationships with other bloggers to make your resource high. And what can you advise on the issue?

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